In mind little mind the problem with a refusal to engage w/out securing every possible advantage of speed, numbers, alt, etc. is that It's ultimately going to be self defeating and preventing the player from moving on and developing a more rounded skill set. We all learn by doing, experience and repetition. I could read all the books I could get my hands on about ACM and air combat theory but until I go into the game and try it out I won't really learn and understand it.
If the goal is ultimately improve so that when faced with something less than the ideal situation the player will be able to handle it and emerge victorious than the only recourse is to put yourself in that situation and learn it. The problem is that for most of us, learning is oftentimes uncomfortable because we're facing a new scenario and haven't yet equipped ourselves with the tools to handle it. What that means in the game is violent cartoon death which can lead to real world frustration and anger. The trick becomes how to mix in enough success with the failures during the learning process to keep on going.
Yes, sadly that is the case, although I will be the first to admit that I fly more cautiously than most, and I do experience a huge level of frustration (this morning) and I will yell a lot at the screen (also this morning). Still, I think there's a fine line between outright cowardice and picking your situation. Personally I'd rather not go charging into a mess of red for no real in-game advantage, and I see no reason for going in outnumbered when you've got a mess of buddies 6k behind you. Maybe it's because I'm thinking strategically, but getting shot down over and over again isn't really my idea of fun, even if it is unavoidable.
The truth is this game is a lot like golf. You have days where your timing is off, or your positioning, or someone gets a lucky ping, or there's just too many Muppets and Few's out. Then there are days when you land 2-3 kills every sortie (or at least get 2 for every time they kill you). It's just part of the game.
I gotta remember that....