Last night TT all the
Mastertaters I know were experiencing
Failure to Perform tater problems.
I was asked similare questions concerning lag related to effectiveness of Mk 108 rounds. The players I talked to can manage 2-3 kills landed in a K4 on their worst days. In the world of computers and servers a predictable small percentage of customers connected to a system will always be an anomoly in personal performance from the general customer base. Anyone who works as a large coporation support engineer deals with this every day on the phone.
1. Is there a time component to the gunnery equation that internet lag can effect more drasticly with slower traveling rounds? You just need more in a small block of PC to PC communicated time to get something recorded as damge by the enemies computer. Or do both PC's have to agree with each other before damage is accepted?
This is assuming the server is only the master controller of security access accounts and router of environmental physical data changes between objects controled by the the Aces High game installed on each players PC. This accounts for Skuzzy saying over the years that his servers are never under any load due to client connections and processing. Your PC is under all the physical environment load. You cannot play in an arena if you do not accept the automatic download of a new or updated map. But, once in the arena you can play without custom skins enabled because of the default skins being the defaulting standard. So too if a map has a bad texture or object you get discos and AH.exe errors equaly across the customer base.
You guys should read the Readme's forensicly over time.
2. A question spawned by Grizz's observation. The more internet lag, then is a much longer lead, or getting much closer to the target required on bad nights? What constitutes a bad night? The players who talked to me were even having the same problems point blank with the trigger mashed down. 65 taters point blank, percentages are in favor of one tater hitting for every 15 out the spout under 200d.
3. How directly tied to the overall damage recorded by the enemy plane is the hit sprites seen by your computer? Again from question (1.): Or do both PC's have to agree with each other before damage is accepted?
4. Can the damage you see from your monitor as hit sprites
never be communicated to the enemies computer due to internet issues or processing congestion at your PC?
5. Because of the destructive ability of a single Mk 108 round, is there a higher feedback proof of airframe contact assigned to the 30mm thus making it that much more sensative to internet lag and/or internal PC processing congestion?
Since release <2.21 Patch3> this is the third thread started concerning just this issue.,299777.0.html,298414.0.htmlMy bet is Grizz is the CEO of HiTech's favorite single malt distillery. So HiTech gets a truck load every christmas....Sucks to be the rest of us....