Yall realize sunbat left last month. He left because of bad lag. In fact the new posts your seeing are ones he posted last month and are just now showing up.
How bad does it suck to be the backup of the backup on a single A farm team?When you make the big show then talk. Or let your coach "grizz" talk for you.
For some odd reason. Call me a genius, but i knew you would reply to this. Im just that good arent I?You love, admire and strive to be just like i was back then. Its ok to admit it.
What a bunch of crap! You guys are seriously going to believe a disgruntled muppet?
Call me a noob but when did the lead computing sight work for guns? I was under the impression it was just for ord.
come on guys... Love one another
I see the rats are gnawing on each other again. It is interesting but haven't people been saying that the over population in LW was easing up a bit? Come on guys...love one another