Hello fellow plane enthusiasts. I am a returning player (from a few years ago) mostly due to the pending release of the B29. I played the original Air Warrior as well as AW2 and AW3. I've missed flight sim and I'm happy to be back.
My Grandfather was a ball gunner in plane 2414 "Snooky" of the 6th BG 24th Sq which was interestingly enough the first B29 to land on the island of Tinian. On April 7th 1945 the crew took off for a sortie in a replacement plane and shortly after take off experienced engine failure and crashed into the ocean. The plane fractured just behind my grandfathers seat spilling him and three others into the water. The remaining 6 crew members all died in the accident. Growing up hearing about his epic adventures has always made me love bombers and WW2. Thus I have decided to pay honor to him and the 6th Bomb Group with a squadron.
**2nd from left kneeling**
- We will be flying Rook LW area and Scenarios for the time being.
- Primary purpose of the Squadron will be Bombing runs, Goon runs (Troops as well as Resup), and other nefarious roles.
- Squad night and time is tbd.
- Anyone is welcome to join. (Trial players subject to recruit status only.)
- I'll be making a website if the interest is enough.
- I also intend on skinning a Squad plane when the B29 is released if the interest is enough.
I encourage those of you who are new to this game to join. There's no better way to learn than to fly and work in teams. I also encourage anyone who loves to bomb to join as well. For the time being we'll be doing Lanc/B17/B25 runs on bases and towns as well as setting up some standard squad flight procedures. Those who are interested please send an email to
jerpyro20@yahoo.com, contact me in game 'Ten60', or even here on the forums and I'll get back to you.
Feel free to flame me. It's a free bump