Author Topic: Unperk everything in Latewar  (Read 14477 times)

Offline TW9

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #105 on: December 04, 2010, 05:10:40 AM »
I'd have tried to be a little more subtle if I was trolling SunBat. Gotta give me a little bit of credit :)

Folks hate ENY, hate, not flying what they want, claim that it's 'war' and that 'anything goes'.  How does giving folks what they claim to want, become a bad idea?

BTW I'd include uncapping the arena too as I believe that 'minority' of 'furballers' would soon disappear or migrate to midwar.

most folks dont hate eny. just the chess piece humping noobs that would rather stay with the horde instead of evening out the sides do. if you dont like eny so much then quit trying to "tweak" the game and "tweak" yourself instead.
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The community lacks personality , thank #@# for TW9 or
there would'nt even be anyone --------- left .
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Edit2: BAN the ass-hat. That's not skuzzy, that's a tard named TW9

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #106 on: December 04, 2010, 09:51:18 AM »
Dan trolling?

Please, even if he chose to (doubt he would) he'd probably be as good at it as he is keeping P-38's in one piece.

Offline crazierthanu

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #107 on: December 04, 2010, 10:29:54 AM »
Why dont you just make 262's unusable in the MA's?
80th FS "Headhunters"
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Offline LLogann

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #108 on: December 04, 2010, 11:56:35 AM »
That wouldn't make sense from the business perspective. 

Why dont you just make 262's unusable in the MA's?
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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #109 on: December 04, 2010, 12:05:02 PM »

With the perk system as it stands it gives the skilled pilots a huge advantage because they easily can gain perkies to fly whatever perk plane they choose....leaving the unskilled at a large disadvantage not just due to lack of skill but also due to lack of comparable equipment.  Also, a big assumption made by the regular BB lords is that everyone will eventually, with enough practice, reach their skill level......that viewpoint is simply not true.

If the goal is to gain and retain new players, handicapping their choice of equipment when it would be most beneficial seems odd to me.

 If an equipment limiting system is necessary it would make more sense to limit the most skilled players to the worst equipment....maybe a reverse perky system is in order if there must be a system.

The perk system isn't about limiting players, it's about balancing the game.  The perk system doesn't keep new players from using great planes.  Many of the "best" planes in the game are free.  LA7, Spit16, P47's, P51, 109's, F4U's, Brewsters (:^)) etc.

The perk system isn't perfect, but it's better than nothing.

Un-perking the plane set would really only skew the game away from the "WWII flavor" it currently has, and was built around.  It wouldn't make the game any better, or any easier, or any easier on new players.  A newbie in the best plane in the game (whatever that may be) is still dead against a veteran pilot, unless he stays far away, gets lucky, or has a lot of buddies to keep his opponent.

A "balanced variety" is what draws players, and retains players.  There's something available for everyone, and the game "flavor" is still there.  

In the past, when the "balance" or the "variety" has been reduced, the players as a whole have lost interest.  I'll point out the Mid-War, AvA, WWI, and DA arenas as evidence...  What are the numbers like for those arenas compared to the current Late War arenas?  Which one/ones already have what it takes to draw/retain players?  Which ones aren't what the majority want?  Which ones are only good enough to kill a little time in once in a while?

"Those who hammer their guns into plows will plow for those who do not". Thomas Jefferson

Offline grizz441

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #110 on: December 04, 2010, 12:13:15 PM »
That wouldn't make sense from the grizzness perspective. 

Fixed :D

Offline mensa180

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #111 on: December 04, 2010, 12:15:42 PM »
Terrible idea.  I like the notion of having something to spend perks on, and I also don't like the idea of not having an arena where I could fly late war planes without being harassed by jets.  I don't think you should try to 'fix' the game by using jets as a deterrent to play in a certain arena.  If midwar is to gain more people it should be on it's own merits, rather than the spoiling of latewars.
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Offline Rino

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #112 on: December 04, 2010, 12:47:40 PM »
     I think one of the best jet experiences I ever had was in an AW scenario under Guppy <Tiff at the time> flying F-51s
for the 18th FBG in Korea.  Nothing made me giggle more than flat turning low alt Ponies and watching Mig-15s come
roaring in to tie the low altitude record  :rofl
80th FS Headhunters
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Offline oTRALFZo

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #113 on: December 04, 2010, 03:28:58 PM »
Guppy gets a extra big cookie for making his point and give him a A for originality.

Its like managing people at work. Sure you can give them what they want, but unless you throw the hammer down at any point, you are going to end up with a crew that insists on taking a 8 hour break each day.

Quality control: you may not like it, but its there for a reason. If you are unselfish enough and care about the enviroment as a whole rather than your personal goals, then you "get it", have no problems with it and just go with the flow. Those that piss, whine and moan arent worth having anyway
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Offline grizz441

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #114 on: December 04, 2010, 04:07:09 PM »
Guppy gets a extra big cookie for making his point and give him a A for originality.

How is removing the aircraft balancing system an original idea? 

Offline oTRALFZo

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #115 on: December 04, 2010, 04:45:29 PM »
How is removing the aircraft balancing system an original idea? 

I highly doubt this is his true intention.
The point is that people's natural reaction is that they want to do what they want to do, when they want to do it. In game, they want to NOE and have NO resistance when they attack in hordes. They want their spixteen even though they outnumber the other guy by 2 to 1. They want to reset the map by hording one country first and expecting them not to retaliate while they hording the other.

Id love to land one kill per cannon round I had, but know thats probably not going to happen. No reason they should make it easier for me to reach that goal and no reason for me to whine or threaten to quit just because the game is not fun if I cant reach it.

Have everything we "want" like guppy stated and imagine what kind of enviroment we would be in.
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Offline Guppy35

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #116 on: December 04, 2010, 04:47:32 PM »
I highly doubt this is his true intention.
The point is that people's natural reaction is that they want to do what they want to do, when they want to do it. In game, they want to NOE and have NO resistance when they attack in hordes. They want their spixteen even though they outnumber the other guy by 2 to 1. They want to reset the map by hording one country first and expecting them not to retaliate while they hording the other.

Id love to land one kill per cannon round I had, but know thats probably not going to happen. No reason they should make it easier for me to reach that goal and no reason for me to whine or threaten to quit just because the game is not fun if I cant reach it.

Have everything we "want" like guppy stated and imagine what kind of enviroment we would be in.

Thank you.  I didn't think it would be that hard to understand!
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline grizz441

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #117 on: December 04, 2010, 04:55:12 PM »
Where does balance come into the picture?  If we look at two extreme cases, say a town that requires you to shoot one building down and one troop to capture.  And then the ultimate extreme where you have a town with 1000 buildings that only stay down for a minute a piece and require 100 troops to capture.  Clearly the correct balance that makes for optimum gameplay is somewhere in between yes?  So ignoring those ridiculous extremes now, isn't it entirely reasonable to suggest that the new town updates, lower radar levels, have inadvertently shifted the balance of the game outside of its ideal range?  Turn off your palaverin fingers for a minute to consider this.

Offline Guppy35

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #118 on: December 04, 2010, 05:10:51 PM »
Where does balance come into the picture?  If we look at two extreme cases, say a town that requires you to shoot one building down and one troop to capture.  And then the ultimate extreme where you have a town with 1000 buildings that only stay down for a minute a piece and require 100 troops to capture.  Clearly the correct balance that makes for optimum gameplay is somewhere in between yes?  So ignoring those ridiculous extremes now, isn't it entirely reasonable to suggest that the new town updates, lower radar levels, have inadvertently shifted the balance of the game outside of its ideal range?  Turn off your palaverin fingers for a minute to consider this.

So if I believe the learning curve for ACM is unfair because vets with perks can have 262s and discourage the newbs who can't, it's a bad thing?  How is that balanced any more then expecting folks who want to take towns to adapt and work up the learning curve?

And if in the end, I reach the point where I say let em have everything, then it's time to set limits?  Maybe the best way to figure that out for folks is to give them a shot at what they claim to want.  Kinda like raising kids.  They'll be begging for limits sooner then later once they don't have them.

As I said I'm going to have fun regardless.  I'd suggest a step down from that high horse and give a few of us some credit for thinking too. :aok
8th FS "Headhunters

Offline oTRALFZo

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #119 on: December 04, 2010, 05:12:52 PM »
Where does balance come into the picture?  If we look at two extreme cases, say a town that requires you to shoot one building down and one troop to capture.  And then the ultimate extreme where you have a town with 1000 buildings that only stay down for a minute a piece and require 100 troops to capture.  Clearly the correct balance that makes for optimum gameplay is somewhere in between yes?  So ignoring those ridiculous extremes now, isn't it entirely reasonable to suggest that the new town updates, lower radar levels, have inadvertently shifted the balance of the game outside of its ideal range?  Turn off your palaverin fingers for a minute to consider this.
Only reason people think its so hard is because its so new. I wasnt around with the old town layouts when they had no ack guns, but I heard there were tons of rants back in the day they put 8 lousy guns in town. When I joined the game, if I wanted a capture I always had to deal with those 8 guns. It was what I accepted.
Im sure tons of people quit once the ENY system was put in place. Given time, we accpeted it and IMO..its a GREAT system.
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in game name: Tralfaz