Author Topic: Unperk everything in Latewar  (Read 13383 times)

Offline Yeager

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #225 on: December 09, 2010, 11:09:27 AM »
what about that shawk guy.  He has consistently ranked top (or near top) slot in game for the past several years, yet no one seems to refer to him as a great stick?
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Offline Vudak

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #226 on: December 09, 2010, 11:15:14 AM »

i may be Grizz's squaddie, but i am far from being one of his fans.

If you're not his fan, my next guess is you're his attorney :D

Seriously though...  Grizz is great, yes.  A great guy too, and fun in the DA.  Gotta love a guy who can kill you 10 times in a row and still make it fun, though this isn't a particularly unique trait around here.

I do get what Ack-Ack is saying though...  My story's a little different than his though...  When I was new, I was rushing in to be the fourth on one P-47...  I kept getting closer, and every 10 seconds or so... *BOOM!*  ...  *BOOM!* ... *BOOM!* ...  I finally show up, all on my lonesome now, and probably less than 10 seconds later... "System: Shane has shot you down." (Soon followed by PLENTY of other messages  :rofl )

That was one of the coolest things I've ever seen in the MA.
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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #227 on: December 09, 2010, 11:41:33 AM »
This thread kinda makes me sad. 
The thread doesn't make me sad, but what does is that folks like you aren't flying anymore Levi!  :mad: :(

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Offline dedalos

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #228 on: December 09, 2010, 12:19:40 PM »
what about that shawk guy.  He has consistently ranked top (or near top) slot in game for the past several years, yet no one seems to refer to him as a great stick?

Do a BBS search foo  :lol
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline dedalos

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #229 on: December 09, 2010, 12:25:24 PM »
Ded i hope that isn't your description of Grizz. if that is how you see him then i feel you are woefully missleading yourself. i will agree that alot of the "skilled" pilots i have seen lately seem to fall within that description, but Grizz does not.

i may be Grizz's squaddie, but i am far from being one of his fans. there are many things that we as individuals have found we do not agree upon. this does not preclude us from being in the same squad nor does it preclude me from stating what i believe to be the truth about his skill in this game.

so with that being said, in my opinion, which i believe to be unbiased, Grizz is currently one of the best sticks in the game in most types of fighter combat and in most planes. i don't see anyone being able to consistently or easily defeat him. don't duel him best of 5 or best of 10 even, try doing best of 10 for ten days, then at the end see how many out of 100 you have won.

if you did happen to have some amazing and tricky type of flying skill that would throw him in the beginning then i would still say that by the fourth day he will have learned your style and melded it into his own improved upon it and would then beat you about the head and neck with it. that is where Grizz's talents truly lay, he is one of those people who have the ability to watch, learn, addapt and absorb the skills of others he flies with/against and then mutate those skillz to fit into his own style of play. (i watched him do this while he flew with m00t, SkyRock and other good sticks when he first joined the Muppet's, so this is not an unfounded or unsupported statement) he is not a one trick pony, watch him some time and look for the constant changes in style that he uses. you may find yourself watching and then naming the pilots that you see.

well anyways, ack is a damn fine 38 jockie, but he refuses to fly outside of his comfort zone and then talks smack about those that he beats. not much broadbased skill there in my opinion. he refuses to use the 109, and from what i understand most other planes, always duels in his chosen ride, thus its never an equal fight because you as his opponent must always meet him at his advantage. Grizz on the other hand will fly anywhere at any alt in any ride, i have never heard of him refusing no matter how bizarr the plane choice.

finally, and i think most importantly, if you duel Grizz and check your mouth and your attitude at the door he will make sure you have a fun time and if there is something you want to learn he will do his best to teach you. but if you go in and you choose to act like a punk.....well lets just say that your quality of fun is all in your hands.

Well, I am not sure when exactly the punch line of the troll will come out, but I will play along for a bit  :lol

I am too lazy so please don't write this match again.  Three points:

1) You have not fought every one so there is no way for you (or me) to know who is or was or could be the best at their time.
2) You are assuming that the only one able to adapt and change during a 10 day duel will be Grizz.
3) I have fought both of them and a few others you probably never met.  Like Nomak or whildething for example.  If I was going to make a list, he would not make the top all time 10.  But again, he is really good and that is just one mans opinion.

A lot more, but lets see where the troll leads first  ;)
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline grizz441

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #230 on: December 09, 2010, 12:27:07 PM »
Well, I am not sure when exactly the punch line of the troll will come out, but I will play along for a bit  :lol

I am too lazy so please don't write this match again.  Three points:

1) You have not fought every one so there is no way for you (or me) to know who is or was or could be the best at their time.
2) You are assuming that the only one able to adapt and change during a 10 day duel will be Grizz.
3) I have fought both of them and a few others you probably never met.  Like Nomak or whildething for example.  If I was going to make a list, he would not make the top all time 10.  But again, he is really good and that is just one mans opinion.

A lot more, but lets see where the troll leads first  ;)

But you've never really fought me since most of our fights only last two turns.   :O

Offline 321BAR

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #231 on: December 09, 2010, 12:31:10 PM »
what about that shawk guy.  He has consistently ranked top (or near top) slot in game for the past several years, yet no one seems to refer to him as a great stick?
just because you are number one on the score board doesnt mean you are the best pilot in the game... SHawk is certainly up there but i personally would put others before him in the listings. Same idea with Pacerr. They go for the number one slot but because they are low scoring in every slot (fighter, bomber, attack, and vehicle) doesnt mean that they are the best at each score type. An easy way to get from the 1000s in both GV and Bomber is to blow up a town or two. Kills rarely matter in those fields because everyone goes for the kills. The secret to having a good score in either category is to blow a few towns up and get a few kills here and there (dont forget to capture 3 or 4 bases with both goons and M3s) suddenly your score is down to 10-40 in both GV and Bomber. Fighter it is pure kills/death and kills/sortie and kills/hour. Attack is similar to fighter. but even then some of the higher scoring flyers actually dont know ACM down to a science but they know how to live and land.

P.S. i am not saying every high scoring flyer is like this. i am saying that you cannot call all of them good. I am also not taking away from SHawk/Pacerr being good flyers (they are just not in my opinion the BEST flyers)
« Last Edit: December 09, 2010, 12:33:52 PM by 321BAR »
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Offline grizz441

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #232 on: December 09, 2010, 12:46:22 PM »
SHawk is definitely good.  Good SA, wavers on the side of caution, great aim, good acms, good supporting cast.  But when it comes to fighting 1v1 he is a one trick pony, Triple Immelman, hang on your prop in the sun, if that don't work the fight is over.  Probably in the top 40 or so.

Offline dedalos

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #233 on: December 09, 2010, 12:49:45 PM »
But you've never really fought me since most of our fights only last two turns.   :O

That's true.  But that was because I was 15mph faster than you, if I remember correctly.  Are you saying you'd last longer if the speed was equal?  See, selective memory works both ways.  If you want to count the face shooting err 1 degree deflection shots after a 2 year break lets count the ones before that too?  When would you like history to begin?  

Really, claiming you are better than people you never fought and know they have been off the game for a long long time is kind of arrogant don't you think?  You don't see them here making any statements do you?  I am sorry my opinion hurt your feelings but they were better.  One well aimed tater does not change that.

You will find out eventually like the others, that if you have to start threads or talk about how good you are, you are not going to be around for too long.  The game will become very frustrating since there will always be someone better in any given day.  TJ got to where you are in a few weeks.  How long did it take you?
« Last Edit: December 09, 2010, 12:51:34 PM by dedalos »
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline Yeager

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #234 on: December 09, 2010, 12:52:16 PM »
Do a BBS search foo  :lol
wha'chew talkin bout WILLITH  :banana:
"If someone flips you the bird and you don't know it, does it still count?" - SLIMpkns

Offline 321BAR

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #235 on: December 09, 2010, 12:53:16 PM »
SHawk is definitely good.  Good SA, wavers on the side of caution, great aim, good acms, good supporting cast.  But when it comes to fighting 1v1 he is a one trick pony, Triple Immelman, hang on your prop in the sun, if that don't work the fight is over.  Probably in the top 40 or so.
from what ive heard and seen this statement you wrote is a good summary of how he is. ive never personally had any 1vs1 against him yet
I am in need of a new epic quote
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Offline grizz441

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #236 on: December 09, 2010, 12:59:48 PM »
That's true.  But that was because I was 15mph faster than you, if I remember correctly.  Are you saying you'd last longer if the speed was equal?  See, selective memory works both ways.  If you want to count the face shooting err 1 degree deflection shots after a 2 year break lets count the ones before that too?  When would you like history to begin?  

Gheesh don't get so serious Ded, I am just trolling you.  :)
Sry but I take front quarter shots in my duels, if you don't like it, then don't give me a front quarter shot or try to force it into a head on situation just so I'll hold fire.  That's lame!:lol

Really, claiming you are better than people you never fought and know they have been off the game for a long long time is kind of arrogant don't you think?  You don't see them here making any statements do you?  I am sorry my opinion hurt your feelings but they were better.  One well aimed tater does not change that.

Well of course they were better, everything was better 8 years ago, and nothing will ever be able to compare to that golden era again, that has already been concluded here on the bbs.

You will find out eventually like the others, that if you have to start threads or talk about how good you are, you are not going to be around for too long.  The game will become very frustrating since there will always be someone better in any given day.

Who started any thread?  You guys are the ones that get your panties in a bunch over this stuff.

TJ got to where you are in a few weeks.  How long did it take you?

TJ got good in a few weeks?  That's news to me.

After I got my pedals it took me about 6 months or so.  When we used to fight a couple years ago when you always edged me, I was using keyboard rudders and an St290 walmart joystick.

Offline dedalos

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #237 on: December 09, 2010, 01:05:40 PM »
Gheesh don't get so serious Ded, I am just trolling you.  :)
Sry but I take front quarter shots in my duels, if you don't like it, then don't give me a front quarter shot or try to force it into a head on situation just so I'll hold fire.  That's lame!:lol

Funny, I could say the same thing.  Only one of us is holding fire since the fights are for fun, remember?  :neener:

Well of course they were better, everything was better 8 years ago, and nothing will ever be able to compare to that golden era again, that has already been concluded here on the bbs.
Well, we finally agree!

Who started any thread?  You guys are the ones that get your panties in a bunch over this stuff.
Don't know to tell you the truth.  I am just responding to the troll

TJ got good in a few weeks?  That's news to me.

After I got my pedals it took me about 6 months or so.  When we used to fight a couple years ago when you always edged me, I was using keyboard rudders and an St290 walmart joystick.
Ahh, makes sense.  I hear Levi was using a one button mouse back then  :neener:
Quote from: 2bighorn on December 15, 2010 at 03:46:18 PM
Dedalos pretty much ruined DA.

Offline LLogann

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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #238 on: December 09, 2010, 01:20:21 PM »
Nobody vulches better than SHawk.

what about that shawk guy.  He has consistently ranked top (or near top) slot in game for the past several years, yet no one seems to refer to him as a great stick?
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Re: Unperk everything in Latewar
« Reply #239 on: December 09, 2010, 01:24:19 PM »
Well, my hat's off to the latest, greatest generation of virtual pilots.  If you guys are even half as good as you insist on telling everyone, then you no doubt represent the vanguard of a new, never-before-witnessed era in pretend WW2 air combat awesomeness.