Per the raw logs A143 was hit by the 334th FS "The Eagles" at T+ 34. They had 6 formations of B26s and escorts. The 325th then hit A143 at T+91 with 7 formations of B26s.
All Allied targets had a credible strike force assigned and hit their targets before the T+60. No violation there.
Also the 325th who conducted the separate late frame strike hit their target, were engaged, and survivors managed to land before end frame (roughly 2 minutes before frame end). So it was not a suicide or kamikaze run.
They simply conducted a two part attack. First wave to engaged your defenders and exhaust their ammo and fuel and bomb the base (first wave took down 3 hangars). Then a second wave sent in to hopefully take advantage of the exhausted defenders being either at lower alt, needing to re-arm, being disorganized, or all of the above.