Author Topic: More discos than 1970s NYC....  (Read 386 times)

Offline Simaril

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More discos than 1970s NYC....
« on: December 24, 2010, 01:08:47 PM »
Since restarting AH, it's been one thing after another. Now, it's the internet itself!

I'm disco'ing just over 50% of sorties. Yep, 50%. I've tried all the things experience and these boards have suggested through the years - and still no joy. So far:

  • shut down Antivirus, firewall, and scanning software
  • close out as many processes as possible
  • hard reboot of router
  • pingplotter repeatedly
  • worked my way up the ISP tech tree

Net result: I'm out of luck.

Seems one of the intermediate hops is having enormous swings in latency, but only intermittently. Most of the time my 4th hop is about 10ms, but every couple minutes it will spike upward to anywhere from 200 to 700ms. Next ping it's right back down to a short latency. There is usually no warning, no sign that problems are coming - it's just there, and I'm getting the "UDP" message on my way out the AH2 door.

The ISP says it has no control over routing and didn't really answer when I asked if they could complain to the server downstream. Their only suggestion was to see if AH2 had an alternate destination for connection - which it doesn't.

I'll post a sample pingplot data set next. (Don't have an FTP site as I post this) Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Maturity is knowing that I've been an idiot in the past.
Wisdom is realizing I will be an idiot in the future.
Common sense is trying to not be an idiot right now

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Offline The Fugitive

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Re: More discos than 1970s NYC....
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2010, 01:10:18 PM »
don't panic. Christmas traffic may be causing that one jump to crash a lot. After the holidays it might even out.

Offline Simaril

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Re: More discos than 1970s NYC....
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2010, 01:12:18 PM »
Host Information
1, -------------- ,
2, -------------- ,
3, -------------- ,
10, -------------- ,
15, -------------- ,

Sample Information
"12/24/2010 1:29:28 PM",0,47,62,29,20,53,31,44,37,65,78,52,51,50,113
"12/24/2010 1:29:38 PM",0,12,10,10,21,28,28,39,39,45,46,47,47,53,48
"12/24/2010 1:29:48 PM",0,7,10,10,16,28,28,38,42,51,48,57,52,54,47
"12/24/2010 1:29:58 PM",0,7,10,282,34,33,28,38,38,45,53,49,56,59,62
"12/24/2010 1:30:08 PM",0,14,9,9,15,28,28,38,38,52,63,64,83,76,99
"12/24/2010 1:30:18 PM",0,6,9,9,15,27,32,39,37,50,48,59,48,47,47
"12/24/2010 1:30:28 PM",0,51,22,30,35,43,30,39,38,46,47,47,47,46,47
"12/24/2010 1:30:38 PM",0,7,10,10,16,28,28,39,37,47,48,47,47,51,52
"12/24/2010 1:30:48 PM",0,6,10,262,18,28,29,39,38,47,48,47,47,51,47
"12/24/2010 1:30:58 PM",0,7,10,10,16,28,28,38,40,45,47,72,48,46,48
"12/24/2010 1:31:08 PM",0,6,9,13,15,27,27,38,40,45,47,49,54,48,47
"12/24/2010 1:31:18 PM",0,11,9,10,20,28,28,38,38,47,51,51,50,48,49
"12/24/2010 1:31:28 PM",0,10,9,9,15,27,27,38,38,46,47,47,47,47,47
"12/24/2010 1:31:38 PM",0,6,11,10,15,27,27,38,38,45,48,48,48,55,48
"12/24/2010 1:31:48 PM",0,7,10,11,16,29,29,39,38,47,48,46,48,49,48
"12/24/2010 1:31:58 PM",0,7,9,606,15,27,29,57,38,46,46,46,48,47,46
"12/24/2010 1:32:08 PM",0,9,10,78,16,30,39,39,38,46,48,47,47,57,48
"12/24/2010 1:32:18 PM",0,5,11,11,17,29,27,40,39,85,47,46,48,47,54
"12/24/2010 1:32:28 PM",0,7,10,10,18,28,28,39,39,46,47,62,91,46,46
"12/24/2010 1:32:38 PM",0,6,9,9,23,27,27,38,48,47,47,49,46,47,46
"12/24/2010 1:32:48 PM",0,7,9,9,15,28,28,39,38,46,48,46,48,46,47
"12/24/2010 1:32:58 PM",0,6,9,12,24,27,30,37,37,46,48,46,46,46,47
"12/24/2010 1:33:08 PM",0,6,12,9,15,30,28,38,41,46,47,78,47,46,49
"12/24/2010 1:33:18 PM",0,7,10,9,17,27,29,39,38,45,50,46,48,48,47
"12/24/2010 1:33:28 PM",0,6,10,10,15,36,28,38,37,74,46,45,49,48,47
"12/24/2010 1:33:38 PM",0,13,16,10,16,31,28,38,42,45,46,48,46,47,48
"12/24/2010 1:33:48 PM",0,6,11,251,16,28,28,38,39,45,68,47,48,50,48
"12/24/2010 1:33:58 PM",0,7,10,10,16,28,31,38,38,46,48,46,48,46,48
"12/24/2010 1:34:08 PM",0,6,9,9,17,27,27,39,38,46,57,46,47,47,46
"12/24/2010 1:34:18 PM",0,7,8,13,16,29,29,42,39,47,47,73,47,47,47
"12/24/2010 1:34:28 PM",0,6,11,9,15,27,30,40,38,45,47,49,46,46,48
"12/24/2010 1:34:38 PM",0,8,9,9,16,29,27,37,37,46,48,47,136,46,47
"12/24/2010 1:34:48 PM",0,7,11,11,17,29,29,39,37,46,48,46,47,104,46
"12/24/2010 1:34:58 PM",0,7,9,10,16,28,28,38,41,50,48,47,48,49,47
"12/24/2010 1:35:08 PM",0,7,18,10,16,28,39,47,37,48,47,46,47,46,48
"12/24/2010 1:35:18 PM",0,6,9,9,16,27,27,38,40,46,47,47,47,47,49
"12/24/2010 1:35:28 PM",0,7,10,309,16,29,28,38,39,47,47,93,47,47,48
"12/24/2010 1:35:38 PM",0,6,9,9,17,27,27,40,38,78,48,49,46,47,47
"12/24/2010 1:35:48 PM",0,7,10,11,17,30,29,39,49,46,49,48,118,55,48
"12/24/2010 1:35:58 PM",0,7,9,43,16,29,30,49,38,53,48,46,52,46,48
"12/24/2010 1:36:08 PM",0,7,10,411,17,32,28,52,38,47,47,46,47,46,48
"12/24/2010 1:36:18 PM",0,6,9,38,16,28,29,40,39,49,49,47,46,47,48
"12/24/2010 1:36:28 PM",0,6,11,10,16,28,28,40,264,46,48,47,46,50,47
"12/24/2010 1:36:38 PM",0,7,24,172,18,28,28,40,38,53,47,47,242,46,48
"12/24/2010 1:36:48 PM",0,6,9,10,16,31,29,38,39,55,47,46,48,49,52
"12/24/2010 1:36:58 PM",0,9,19,187,16,29,29,37,39,46,48,48,47,46,47
"12/24/2010 1:37:08 PM",0,7,10,170,16,28,28,55,38,46,46,81,47,51,47
"12/24/2010 1:37:18 PM",0,14,18,225,16,30,29,39,38,45,46,48,47,48,47
"12/24/2010 1:37:28 PM",0,8,10,254,17,29,29,39,38,46,47,52,47,46,47
"12/24/2010 1:37:38 PM",0,7,10,72,16,29,28,38,44,46,53,72,47,46,47
"12/24/2010 1:37:48 PM",0,7,16,10,16,29,28,41,49,50,48,55,50,46,56
"12/24/2010 1:37:58 PM",0,6,9,9,17,29,29,67,39,57,48,46,48,49,48
"12/24/2010 1:38:08 PM",0,8,28,10,17,29,27,40,38,48,46,46,52,47,48
« Last Edit: December 24, 2010, 02:03:18 PM by Simaril »
Maturity is knowing that I've been an idiot in the past.
Wisdom is realizing I will be an idiot in the future.
Common sense is trying to not be an idiot right now

"Social Fads are for sheeple." - Meatwad

Offline Simaril

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Re: More discos than 1970s NYC....
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2010, 01:15:05 PM »
Thanks for the encouraging thought, Fugitive. Hope that's all it is. But I'm hesitant to blame it on Christmas since we're not hearing the crescendo of whining I'd expect if this degree of discoing were a general problem.

Also, I played through 4 Christmas seasons in years past without anything like this happening before.
Maturity is knowing that I've been an idiot in the past.
Wisdom is realizing I will be an idiot in the future.
Common sense is trying to not be an idiot right now

"Social Fads are for sheeple." - Meatwad

Offline fbWldcat

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Re: More discos than 1970s NYC....
« Reply #4 on: December 27, 2010, 06:04:33 AM »
I had the same problem about 6 months ago. Discos without warning and discos with the wonderful UDP message. We had done everything and were about to buy a new router when the problems just stopped. Turned out there had been a loose wire over at the DNS or something. I'd call the ISP back and get some answers. They do too much foot-dragging.

Being this time of the year, it could also be something known to the techs as "Pull-out," where the cold causes the wires to shrink and "pull-out" of their designated areas (ice storms can also be the culprit). If you haven't already, try to get a couple of techs to come out and have a look. It may cost a service charge, but they can usually get the job done.

Hope this helps in some way, shape or form.
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Offline Simaril

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Re: More discos than 1970s NYC....
« Reply #5 on: December 27, 2010, 10:12:36 PM »
I'm pretty suspicious that the problem is out in the ether, not in someplace I can reach directly or indirectly. The ping plot seems to pretty consistently show that sudden swings in latency are occurring downstream, at the 4th hop and sometimes later on the way out. My hops 4 >6 appear to be at a single location with similar IP addresses, so I suspect a routing center with some crappy hardware. 
Maturity is knowing that I've been an idiot in the past.
Wisdom is realizing I will be an idiot in the future.
Common sense is trying to not be an idiot right now

"Social Fads are for sheeple." - Meatwad