now you guys are all about ho ing ganging ram and other stuff
I just wanna go back to the fight where this thread starts, It wasn't a ram, it wasn't a HO, it wasn' ganging, It was a classic flown vertical bracket, i announcesd it on our private TS3
"now he is dead" just 5 seconds before, the second guy lost sight and rtb or was fighting elsewhere
After a good fight i give often a Salute and i like the gentle way to play. But i don't like bad sportsmanship, i don't like whines on ch 200, and the only reason why is being shot down? thats a bad behavior as well, I don't like to offend people on ch 200! i love good teamplay, its not ganging, its great timeing combined with good flown ACMs, you have to spend a lot of time flying with your squadmates to reach and acceptable teamplay
@jimson you can't fight double attack with just 80%, you go 100% or you better stop flying, there is nothing else between, its like doing sports, you go for it for 100% or you leave it