Author Topic: New guy looking for a squad.  (Read 1021 times)

Offline AcId

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New guy looking for a squad.
« on: January 25, 2001, 11:14:00 AM »
Hi folks,
   As the subject implies i'm new here, and I would like to be part of something. I've been going through the Squad page that Ripsnort posted about and I've decided instead of e-mail bombing the list pleading for teammates that I would just post here once and see what happens.
I suppose now would be a good time to fill in some info about me. You may be asking yourself 'How new is this guy?', AH terms i'm a premie newborn so if you want me to be able to contribute, some training will be required. Don't get me totally wrong though, I have flown a few sims in my day. It's just that the AH flight model is new to me and it seems very unforgiving (a challenge) although, I have gotten lucky and downed a few birds. I'll be honest with you too, I am not currently a subscriber, I am what you would call a 2-week-weenie. However, I plan on subscribing after my 2 weeks is up so pls don't count me out. If your wondering what times I can fly I'll list when I usually do at the bottom of the post. I enjoy teamwork and am looking forward to being able to fly in fun cooperative situations.

If any are interested here are both my e-mails.

Times I usually fly: Times are central
Mon. 5:30pm-7:00pm
Wed. 5:30pm-7:00pm
Fri. 5:30pm-7:00pm (not always)
Sat. either all day till about 4:00pm or whenever the wifey takes a nap.
Sun. When/if the wife takes a nap.  

On the days listed I could be on longer, once a week if needed. Ofcourse that would depend on the time the squad meets. That kind of stuff can be worked out later.

Regards and thanks for reading.

My other computer is a 4,000 node Beowulf cluster.

Offline Ripsnort

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New guy looking for a squad.
« Reply #1 on: January 25, 2001, 01:47:00 PM »
Hiya Acid, we are kinda full at the time however I would highly recommend VMF-115, VMF-111 or 332nd Flight Mongrels...all fine squadrons.

Actually, I haven't met a squadron that I didn't like yet in this sim, they're all great!

Offline Jebo44

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New guy looking for a squad.
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2001, 08:49:00 AM »

    I am recruiting for my new squad, the "Flyin' Deuces" VMF-222. I am currently the only member. I am trying to create a web site, however it is slow going. The only thing I expect of my squad members is when I launch a mission they be in it, if their on-line. If you are a member, you can, but you don't have to help with the website and recruiting. I want to recruit only two or three at a time. Other than that when your on-line just don't shoot any chutes and your free to do your thing.

   I am a new to moderate player, I don't have all the answers, but I'll try to get them for you if you have them, questions that is. I am on about the same time as you. Just drop me an e-mail and if you have an interest.  



Offline Kronos

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New guy looking for a squad.
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2001, 01:17:00 PM »

No. 272 Squadron Whispering Death flies for Knights.  We are currently about 15 members, and are very team oriented. Our Website is listed at the bottom of this page, u can ck it out, or I am usually online alot, so u can catch me in the Arena, if u wish more info.

We fly all planes, and have people from both the States and Europe.

CO No. 272 Squadron "Whispering Death"

Offline sling322

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New guy looking for a squad.
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2001, 03:56:00 PM »
Hey there, another member from  I also live in the Houston area.  Kronos has a fine squad.  I used to fly with them, but decided to go in a different direction.  <S> Kronos and the 272!!!  

My current squad is a small one, but we are recruiting.  Check out posts in this section of the BBS for posts from Hangtime regarding his new squad, "1st AG - Bishlanders".  Hang is a great CO, and has a great vision in mind for this squad.  

Good luck in your search and I hope you find a squad that is to your liking.