Hi folks,
As the subject implies i'm new here, and I would like to be part of something. I've been going through the Squad page that Ripsnort posted about and I've decided instead of e-mail bombing the list pleading for teammates that I would just post here once and see what happens.
I suppose now would be a good time to fill in some info about me. You may be asking yourself 'How new is this guy?', well...in AH terms i'm a premie newborn so if you want me to be able to contribute, some training will be required. Don't get me totally wrong though, I have flown a few sims in my day. It's just that the AH flight model is new to me and it seems very unforgiving (a challenge) although, I have gotten lucky and downed a few birds. I'll be honest with you too, I am not currently a subscriber, I am what you would call a 2-week-weenie.
However, I plan on subscribing after my 2 weeks is up so pls don't count me out. If your wondering what times I can fly I'll list when I usually do at the bottom of the post. I enjoy teamwork and am looking forward to being able to fly in fun cooperative situations.
If any are interested here are both my e-mails.
robert.azar@compaq.com home r-azar@swbell.net Times I usually fly:
Times are centralMon. 5:30pm-7:00pm
Wed. 5:30pm-7:00pm
Fri. 5:30pm-7:00pm (not always)
Sat. either all day till about 4:00pm or whenever the wifey takes a nap.
Sun. When/if the wife takes a nap.

On the days listed I could be on longer, once a week if needed. Ofcourse that would depend on the time the squad meets. That kind of stuff can be worked out later.
Regards and thanks for reading.
My other computer is a 4,000 node Beowulf cluster.