Author Topic: Meditations of a Relapsed Addict  (Read 850 times)

Offline Simaril

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Meditations of a Relapsed Addict
« on: January 27, 2011, 11:55:56 AM »

I’m a veteran AH player returning to the game after a two year absence.  I’ve had about 10 hours in the air since my return (I dare not say “comeback”; see below), and to be honest I’m surprised to notice some actual changes in gameplay since the good old days of 2004-2008. (Genuine old timers are allowed a snicker or two at this point.)

I truly expected to find that nothing substantial would change, that “as it had been, so shall it be.” Since slow changes can go unnoticed, I thought I’d share my thoughts for comment in case those who have been here in the interval might find them interesting.

1.   Mea Suckage, Mea Maxima Suckage

I expected to have some rust to knock off, but this is ridiculous. I’m amazed at how much I’ve lost just from not flying!

Now I was never an all around ace, but when I put my mind to it I could get a good KPD (best around 8) or get top 30 rank. Now it seems - I just AM rank!

 My ACMs are mentally there, but I have NO sense of the envelope and my timing is atrocious. And don’t even get me started on gunnery – if I aimed the apple, Newton would have seen it miss the ground! So AH is NOT like riding a bike…plenty of hard work ahead, I fear.

But in the meantime, I am fodder.

2.   Where are the furballs?

Back in the day, we definitely had hordes, picks, and the full menagerie of lamers. But if you looked for them, you could find some nice places to get into a pulse pounding fight. (At the least, you could find some seals to harvest without stooping to the vulchfest.)

But since I’ve been back, I have genuinely seen nothing but horde attacks on swarmed bases.

Yeah, I know that’s what we always whined about, so on the boards it doesn’t SOUND any different. But in real life – where the lift vector meets the airflow – this fight loving guy had genuine difficulty picking a place to fly. Last night I flipped between both MAs sortie after sortie, and even switched sides…and all I could see were hugely imbalanced DARs. I tried a variety of previously reliable tricks – (baiting radar circles, hovering on the fringes of fights, hunting in likely flight paths) - and got no takers.  Every plane I could find was either part of an attacking horde, or was coming in from the next base at 42K to get some hordelings.

And yeah, it DOES seem to be a different game environment

3.   Knock, Knock – McFly! Anybody there?

The airwaves are really, really quiet. Even in a combat zone, I’m missing the often lame but endearing chatter that normally seemed part of AH. Calls about targets, incoming enemies, whatever. Somebody say something!

There’s doubtless lots going on in squad vox, but man! it felt lonely. On the other hand, lonely is something we geeks can adapt to….

4.   Sides are more even

My last year or so of playing there were persistent country imbalances, with numbers being reliably lower for one country than for others. Nice to see that things were pretty much even for all 3 sides when I was flying.
5.   Trainers are harder to find

Not a criticism of the volunteer, dedicated, and effective training corps. I owe them a lot! But as I’ve popped in and out of the TA during a variety of time frames, have to admit that there seems to be a decreased presence overall. Those guys (and the occasional girl - <S> Schatzi, wherever you are!) always amazed me with their long hours serving in faithfulness and dedication in the face of endless squeakerage, just to be able to help the few who really wanted to learn…but my overall impression is that there are fewer of them on the ground than there used to be.

6. Who's been messing with my head?

Not sure when it happened, but I'm noticing differences in how hard it is to maneuver around in the cockpit to check the ole 6. Particularly in the F4U series, it seems no amount of TrackIR squirming can give me as good a picture of what's back there as what I used to have. And no, I'm not talking about 6 awareness - I'm talking about the size of the minimum 6 dead zone, what I can see without changing flight path. I suspect this is a more realistic situation, by the way, so I'm not complaining. Got the feeling before that I was allowed to move my head far enough that my EYES could get to the edge of the canopy, even if in real life the top of my head would have to poke past the glass to get those peepers where they were.

Anyway, glad to be back, and plan on logging the work time needed to polish things up.
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Offline xbrit

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Re: Meditations of a Relapsed Addict
« Reply #1 on: January 27, 2011, 12:39:33 PM »
Can you imagine the patients the other side of the desk as Sim is shouting at the PC "You HO'ing Tard !!

Good to see you back here with all of us other Tards tho<S>

Offline FLS

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Re: Meditations of a Relapsed Addict
« Reply #2 on: January 27, 2011, 01:02:29 PM »
1. That should teach you not to leave.   :devil
You'll get back to form it just takes time.

2. The furballs still happen.

3. Squads are using other vox programs, teamspeak, ventrillo  etc. as well as squad vox. It does seem like some newer players haven't learned the value of good comms.

4. This varies but i think the split LW arenas have helped.

5. Some of the trainers are temporarily busy with real life but you can always schedule a session by posting in the Help and Training forum.

6. Head movement was actually improved in some aircraft.

Welcome back.  :salute

Offline Simaril

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Re: Meditations of a Relapsed Addict
« Reply #3 on: January 27, 2011, 01:30:41 PM »
Can you imagine the patients the other side of the desk as Sim is shouting at the PC "You HO'ing Tard !!

ALT MONKEY! Get off that exam table!
Maturity is knowing that I've been an idiot in the past.
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Offline Wiley

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Re: Meditations of a Relapsed Addict
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2011, 01:31:51 PM »
1.  I feel bad for you.  I know myself, if I'm away for a couple weeks or so even, my abilities slip bigtime, particularly gunnery.  It'll come though. :)

2.  They do happen, though the barely opposed hordes do seem to occur more often.  A lot of people don't like to go back into a big pocket of resistance for some reason.

4. Really depends on the time you're on.  At different times of the evening, everybody generally gets a turn at being outnumbered and outnumbering the others.

6.  One thing you might not know, you can now adjust the neutral position where your head centers to the same as you can if your TrackIR isn't on, so if you turn off trackIR, raise your head a bit with PgUp, and hit F10 to save the position you can see over the cowl a fair bit better, and your six view improves dramatically in all models of the Corsair.

If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.


Offline caldera

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Re: Meditations of a Relapsed Addict
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2011, 01:36:42 PM »
Take the F6 out for a spin.  The rear view makes the F4's look like IMAX.
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Offline bustr

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Re: Meditations of a Relapsed Addict
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2011, 02:32:13 PM »
Im glad I have my TrackIR 3Pro and not purchased a 4 or 5. The last version of the software that allows x, y only dot tracking was 4.1-37. Two axis tracking mode would use your (aircraft.hps) file for your F10 saved 6 view adn how ever else you saved the other views as the camera pans you through your views..
bustr - POTW 1st Wing

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Offline Dichotomy

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Re: Meditations of a Relapsed Addict
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2011, 02:34:10 PM »
If you're an AH relapsed addict and I've been pestering you to get back in the game does that make me an AH dealer?
JG11 - Dicho37Only The Proud Only The Strong AH Players who've passed on :salute

Offline Masherbrum

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Re: Meditations of a Relapsed Addict
« Reply #8 on: January 27, 2011, 02:40:17 PM »
Sim, some of my favorite fights were of the your 40 and my 61 going at it, while calling others off.  They'd last 10 minutes or so and drain me. 

We need to continue these.  You've been a good friend that I have missed in the game. 

The game has become better for me with you being a part of it again.
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Offline mbailey

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Re: Meditations of a Relapsed Addict
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2011, 02:43:21 PM »
If you're an AH relapsed addict and I've been pestering you to get back in the game does that make me an AH dealer?


Either that or just an enabler  :D
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Offline guttboy

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Re: Meditations of a Relapsed Addict
« Reply #10 on: January 27, 2011, 02:45:51 PM »

I agree with you just about 100%!

I Returned a month or so ago.....

Perceptions on my end:

Lack of vox chatter....
Difficulty of finding a fight....(find myself upping a plane and then going away to do "chores")
Doing my best to AVOID the mass of folks heading to a field.....(guilty as times that is about all that is around unless I am missing something)
Trainers.....would love to get with one.............could use a few pointers on the basics again..........(emails have been sent to no avail)

So in my honest is "Saddle up"....."try my best"......"have fun in my own way".......

Offline The Fugitive

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Re: Meditations of a Relapsed Addict
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2011, 02:56:23 PM »
Welcome back Sim.

Aces High has pretty much lost the "Dog Fighter" part of the game. In the old days that is what most people had striven for, to be a good dog fighter. Some found out they were VERY good dog fighters, but the rest of us were happy to be "average". Now adays, the average player is more like those in COD, or WoW where everyone runs around screaming "Leroy Jenkins!!!!" at the top of their lungs trying to grab as many bases as they can. Most don't bother to fight unless cornered, or surprised.

Furballs can be found, tho a very rare beast, they do pop up. Beware however, should one rear it's nasty little head and draw to much support AWAY from the base takers it will be quickly killed by the the dive bombing Lancs.

The trainers are still around, but if the main focus is no longer on dog fighting why look up a trainer? It use to be that you would find trainers and many folk hanging around in the TA looking to learn, and other to help. Now, not so much. The clans....err squads teach them all they need, fly in a horde and hope the "killers" run out of bullets before they get to you  :D

Coms are on "private servers now like Skype and such. I guess getting the hordes all together on one channel in AH was to much  :D

And yes the views on some of the planes were changed. When the newer 3D art was added it was found that your head was out in the slip stream in some cases so they have re-aligned some of them. Like mentioned above, check out the F6  :rolleyes:

While I may have painted a "bleak" picture here the old fun can still be found, but like you said it does some times take a lot of switching from arena to arena and side to side.

Welcome back, I'll keep an eye out for ya. You'll be easy to spot as the one dropping all those chunks of rust behind ya  :aok  

Offline FLS

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Re: Meditations of a Relapsed Addict
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2011, 04:15:26 PM »
Guttboy the trainer emails got spammed to death. Just post a request in the Help and Training forum with a time frame.

Offline Rolex

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Re: Meditations of a Relapsed Addict
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2011, 04:30:43 PM »
Welcome back, Dr Sim.

Sorry that you didn't catch a trainer in the TA. We don't cover it 24-7, but we do check into the Help & Training section of the BBS daily for help requests.

Guttboy, Here is the reply your should get when trying to email a trainer:

We got your message, and here are a variety of ways to get help playing Aces High:

For most game questions, you'll find basic answers in the Help area, here -

For advanced gameplay questions, you'll find answers in the Aces High Trainers area -

You'll find a wealth of information on the Aces High Bulletin Board, where you can keep up with the latest Aces High news and events -

To schedule time with an Aces High Trainer, please post your request in the Help and Training forum of the Aces High Bulletin Board and someone will contact you -,10.0.html

When you post your message, please include this information so we can match you with a trainer:

- your in-game username
- your time zone
- some days and times you are available
- give us an idea of what you'd like help with

*Note that you must register to post on the Bulletin Board. Your Bulleting Board name does not have to be the same as your in-game username.


If you didn't get the message, please let us know so we can look into it. Let us know in the Help & Training section what you'd like some help with.

Offline Simaril

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Re: Meditations of a Relapsed Addict
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2011, 06:45:21 PM »
Sim, some of my favorite fights were of the your 40 and my 61 going at it, while calling others off.  They'd last 10 minutes or so and drain me. 

We need to continue these.  You've been a good friend that I have missed in the game. 

The game has become better for me with you being a part of it again.


Thanks for the welcome! I had forgotten about those fights - that map that had a moderate alt base with a 5k cliff off the edge, and a canyon to fight in below! Those WERE some great fights!

I"ll be looking for ya bro!

Maturity is knowing that I've been an idiot in the past.
Wisdom is realizing I will be an idiot in the future.
Common sense is trying to not be an idiot right now

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