Here is my bridge, I jsut took off and did this in 5-minutes. Sorry if it's similar to someone elses already.
It's concrete (precast if possible, a lot cheaper than steel). Two things, particularly mindful of project cost, that I think you didn't address Grizz:
1) It's Cut &
Fill. Most places these days it costs near a fortune to dispose of (or an arse-load of luck finding a happy taker of) fill/dirt. It is considered a cost-saving/VE/LEED/$$$$ goal of clients to not have to have to pay for any additional disposal, trucking/transportaion, associated fees, etc. when you can logicaly use 100% of any displaced dirt from any cutting. It's trading the cheaper cost of X-inches to build the bridge higher in exchange for the cost of not having to transport and dispose of Y amount of fill.
2) Pay mind where possible to build piers where water levels won't be during construction (cheaper), and also not to build them in the deepest parts of a river. I find my piers strike a good balance, wont be too big or expencive to construct, and also will allow for smaller/cheaper foundations for the bridge (I think in your basic design, they would need to be rather large foundations for the large spans).