AvA dudes <S>
I was in there for about an hour last night and had an absolute blast. I had some fantastic battles, died a lot and killed a few - I had more fun that I've had in a long time! I even tried to kill the bozo that was sitting at the GV spawn point - he killed me about 10 times and was gloating about it...I told him what an outstanding person he was! LOL
But actually, I would suggest that we all be very very careful in telling others how we think they should play in the AvA room. If we are not careful, we will get the old days back, with 0 people flying except 5 or 6 regulars.
I experienced HO'ng, but I fully expect it - I wish everyone else would too and get on with their lives. I also saw ganging, but most times, there were several enemy cons below NOE, and what looked like a gang was actually a 3v5 or 5v8 or who knows! So how can you be sure it WAS ganging?
Let's just have fun and welcome players to the AvA no matter how THEY want to play the game...just saying. With more numbers that opens up more options for setups in my book. Shoot - we WANT people from the MA to come to AvA. Let's encourage them to do so - not by telling them how they should fly, but by how cool the setups are, no icons, immersion, etc.
I know we do all that too, I'm just puttin' in my $0.02