Inertia is maintained better by high mass/drag ratio: drop a hollow plastic ball to the ground, then repeat the experiment with ball filled with water/sand. Guess things do not fall to the ground at the same speed like we heard in school... This is an important effect in holding straight line high speed gained after a dive. The mosquito is probably the highest mass/drag plane in AH set.
High thrust/drag ratio does not hold the energy, but instead replenish it giving a net effect of slower energy bleed. Spit 14, 109K, La7 are pretty good in this department.
Low wingload helps to lower the induced drag in a given turn (vs. the same turn with smaller wings on the plane). However, induced drag is important only in high angle of attacks and a larger wing will have more parasitic drag which dominated at high speed/low angles of attack. Lightly loaded planes will tend to hold E better in a turn, while high loaded planes will tend to hold E better in a high speed straight line after a dive.
Perhaps some other factors I forget.