Author Topic: Arena cap is getting out of hand  (Read 27561 times)


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Re: Arena cap is getting out of hand
« Reply #30 on: March 11, 2011, 09:45:05 PM »
I think we all run into odd numbers like this. There are times I have seen, say 300/300, go into another arena, check back in 15 mins and come back to see 301/300. Odd. What about allowing players to join their squad if the arena is full. Is this somehow already allowed and that accounts for the number growing by a few?


No, I experienced the same thing last night something like 275/100 in orange And 75/150 in blue. and pretty much stayed that way for a really long time.

As much as I hate to defend arena caps or a split arena at all for that matter. Cause I dont like either for the same reasons as Fletch And no I wouldnt expect or ask a squad to change arenas for one person either. Especially if they were already in a good fight.

From what I understand. And what I figured happened, happened.
Blue was reset which meant a map change, which meant everyone that was in blue. got booted out of blue. That in turn set the total vs max numbers out of whack resulting in the wide disparity in the numbers shown.

If you were a knit. And normally fly in orange. You got it with another botchslap as Knits were subject to ENY restrictions as well
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Re: Arena cap is getting out of hand
« Reply #31 on: March 11, 2011, 09:59:32 PM »
One more time.

It's their income....

Of course, we all know better than they do.


Just because we may not agree on this. Doesnt make either side wrong. Only that we dont agree.

HTC however. Are the only ones with the big red button that controls how everything is set up. Which isnt entirely bad either. Imagine how often that button would be pushed if everyone were able to change setups as they pleased.
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Re: Arena cap is getting out of hand
« Reply #32 on: March 12, 2011, 12:22:14 AM »
I swear I still don't understand it .Just make it like TT Day with an 850 cap and be done with it ? or just 500 would be plenty .
   Not realy sure that Pyro means by a stagnation point ?
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Re: Arena cap is getting out of hand
« Reply #33 on: March 12, 2011, 12:30:07 AM »
How bout lose the Blue arena and the off hour arena and just have an Orange arena all the time? If we can have 850 slots in off hours then surely we can just turn it into one large arena and keep it up all the time. I too get tired of seeing 255/100, or 275/250 or what ever else they have, just make one large arena. It is a fairly straight forward answer with alot of common sense, which means it has no place in this world........ :bhead
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Re: Arena cap is getting out of hand
« Reply #34 on: March 12, 2011, 01:51:29 AM »
I swear I still don't understand it .Just make it like TT Day with an 850 cap and be done with it ? or just 500 would be plenty .
   Not realy sure that Pyro means by a stagnation point ?

Definitions of stagnation on the Web:
a state of inactivity (in business or art etc); "economic growth of less than 1% per year is considered to be economic stagnation"

The obvious answer would be customer growth was slowing to the point that it was a money losing proposition to keep things the way they were and, despite everyone's conjecture, growth must have turned around.

I don't understand the "I don't understands". They've given their reasons for the split and their reasons for not having a "why don't we just have caps at 400, 500" whatever.

There are two arenas. Until someone comes up with an idea where HTC can make money with a single, unlimited arena it's not going to change.

Live with it.

Otherwise, vote with your wallet. Make like a tree and blow.


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Offline MORAY37

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Re: Arena cap is getting out of hand
« Reply #35 on: March 12, 2011, 03:28:00 AM »
After a reset, everyone mobs into the arena that hasn't reset. The brief time the arena is resetting gives the remaining arena unlimited caps. Afterwards, you see numbers that look like this;

Orange:480 of 100
Blue: 15 of 150 

It takes forever for the other arena to populate... I'm not sure how this could be fixed other than resetting both arenas at once.

Funny, how I always seem to get the big disco when this happens.   :rofl 

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Re: Arena cap is getting out of hand
« Reply #36 on: March 12, 2011, 09:22:58 AM »
I swear I still don't understand it .Just make it like TT Day with an 850 cap and be done with it ?

they said they can't because an arena over 400-450 is toxic and subscription were NOT increasing, or dropping off (they were losing money)

or just 500 would be plenty .

It you were the 505th person to log on you know where you would be right? Either flying in a second arena with 4 other guys, or watching TV with the wife. So they made the "dynanic caps" it increase the population in BOTH LW arena more evenly so you don't have to wait hours and hours for enough people to filter into the second arena to make it fun.

   Not realy sure that Pyro means by a stagnation point ?

Subscriptions were not increasing, stagnating. Something had to be done to continue to grow the company, and the spit arenas is what they came up with, which worked because Hitech has said that subscriptions started to climb after the splits happened.

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Re: Arena cap is getting out of hand
« Reply #37 on: March 12, 2011, 10:14:50 AM »
It still amazes me the how strong the force is for people wanting to play in the arena listed first. Just as DMGod showed, 2 = arenas but he waited 15 min just to get into the top one. I'm not blaming anyone for this, I am just amazed by it. People will claim many different reasons why they want the orange (I.E. like the terrain better), but we have actually just swapped positions on the list and then again everyone wanted the top arena.

There are other methods to solve the issue of overpopulation that would split arenas, and not have an artificial limit I.E. 500 and you reached a false ceiling because no one wants to be the first in the 2nd arena. Here are some other possibilities all of which also have short comings but do solve the issue .

1. Do a 1 time population split via random squad distributions followed by non squad players. Each person would then only be able to fly in 1 of the 2 arenas, and not have the choice to go to the other. I.E. Every night you would fly in the same arena.

2. Do very low cap multiple arenas, I.E. caps of 100-150 across 6-10 arenas.

3. Assign people to an arena when they enter and remove the choice of where they can enter.

4. Creating one "virtual" arena where it would contain multiple sets of people. The ground targets would all be common, but you could only see,fight, and speak with people in your "Set" of people.

I'm always willing to listen to new ideas, but I'm not interested in ideas that will have the net effect of putting everyone in 1 arena. I.E. (make 2 arenas of 850 each and let the players choose).

There is only 1 issue that I do not like about the split arenas that I did not anticipate when we implemented them. That is how the 2 arenas with free choice of entry causes country imbalance. As and example, in one arena the rooks will have 20 more then the other countries, and in the 2nd arena they will have 20 less.
Not just the rooks, but happens to all countries on different nights.

We have been considering doing some method of limiting this, but please do not post ideas that are just a hidden attempts at putting more people into one arena. The current method that I am leaning to is if the cap is 99, then once a country has 33 people no more people of that country can enter. There may also be a choice to enter if you switch sides on entry (of course change country times would also be adjusted).


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Re: Arena cap is getting out of hand
« Reply #38 on: March 12, 2011, 10:21:55 AM »
I hate to agree with a Memphis boy but I do.  OOhh and btw you did miss a helluva good fight last night.

Everyone I talk to doesn't feel that way.  :lol
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Re: Arena cap is getting out of hand
« Reply #39 on: March 12, 2011, 10:26:50 AM »
It still amazes me the how strong the force is for people wanting to play in the arena listed first. Just as DMGod showed, 2 = arenas but he waited 15 min just to get into the top one. I'm not blaming anyone for this, I am just amazed by it. People will claim many different reasons why they want the orange (I.E. like the terrain better), but we have actually just swapped positions on the list and then again everyone wanted the top arena.

There are other methods to solve the issue of overpopulation that would split arenas, and not have an artificial limit I.E. 500 and you reached a false ceiling because no one wants to be the first in the 2nd arena. Here are some other possibilities all of which also have short comings but do solve the issue .

1. Do a 1 time population split via random squad distributions followed by non squad players. Each person would then only be able to fly in 1 of the 2 arenas, and not have the choice to go to the other. I.E. Every night you would fly in the same arena.

2. Do very low cap multiple arenas, I.E. caps of 100-150 across 6-10 arenas.

3. Assign people to an arena when they enter and remove the choice of where they can enter.

4. Creating one "virtual" arena where it would contain multiple sets of people. The ground targets would all be common, but you could only see,fight, and speak with people in your "Set" of people.

I'm always willing to listen to new ideas, but I'm not interested in ideas that will have the net effect of putting everyone in 1 arena. I.E. (make 2 arenas of 850 each and let the players choose).

There is only 1 issue that I do not like about the split arenas that I did not anticipate when we implemented them. That is how the 2 arenas with free choice of entry causes country imbalance. As and example, in one arena the rooks will have 20 more then the other countries, and in the 2nd arena they will have 20 less.
Not just the rooks, but happens to all countries on different nights.

We have been considering doing some method of limiting this, but please do not post ideas that are just a hidden attempts at putting more people into one arena. The current method that I am leaning to is if the cap is 99, then once a country has 33 people no more people of that country can enter. There may also be a choice to enter if you switch sides on entry (of course change country times would also be adjusted).


This shows how hard it is to babysit groups of people. Each of the choices result in a plus and minus. The weak link being "FREE CHOICE". Do we want to give that up? I think not.

Bring back the PINK arena.  :rofl

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Re: Arena cap is getting out of hand
« Reply #40 on: March 12, 2011, 10:33:01 AM »
How about borrowing a page from the AW play book and have two arenas based on theaters of war, Euro and pacific. Then leave Titanic Tues as is.

As for the arena listing. People will always want to be where the largest crowd is. Followed by the arena with the popular maps. Sometimes they go hand in hand.
Ive seen blue outnumber orange. Its rare but it happens. Usually when orange has a map thats pretty much either stagnated. or that folks arent particularly fond of.
Then more people gravitate to the other map. Those logging in see the numbers and either try to get in there. Or log into the map with the lower numbers, realise why people are in the other arena then spend the rest of the night trying to get into blue.

Put that small orange map (I dont know the name of it) with all the GV bases in orange for a week, and you will consistently see blue outnumber orange by the end of the week.

just my observation.
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Offline JUGgler

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Re: Arena cap is getting out of hand
« Reply #41 on: March 12, 2011, 12:00:25 PM »
How about borrowing a page from the AW play book and have two arenas based on theaters of war, Euro and pacific. Then leave Titanic Tues as is.

As for the arena listing. People will always want to be where the largest crowd is. Followed by the arena with the popular maps. Sometimes they go hand in hand.
Ive seen blue outnumber orange. Its rare but it happens. Usually when orange has a map thats pretty much either stagnated. or that folks arent particularly fond of.
Then more people gravitate to the other map. Those logging in see the numbers and either try to get in there. Or log into the map with the lower numbers, realise why people are in the other arena then spend the rest of the night trying to get into blue.

Put that small orange map (I dont know the name of it) with all the GV bases in orange for a week, and you will consistently see blue outnumber orange by the end of the week.

just my observation.

If the plane sets reflected this theory then
I suspect the EU arena would be full and the pacific arena would be a baren wasteland!

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Re: Arena cap is getting out of hand
« Reply #42 on: March 12, 2011, 12:07:45 PM »
Scratching head, I don't see the problem?  Why did you not go into blue?


Blue wreaks a rancid stench of vTARDS.


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Re: Arena cap is getting out of hand
« Reply #43 on: March 12, 2011, 12:46:40 PM »
If the plane sets reflected this theory then
I suspect the EU arena would be full and the pacific arena would be a baren wasteland!

With the amount of "F" plane's I've been running into lately? I dont think so. And there are alot of folks that seemingly like the Carrier wars. Pac arena could be dominated by mostly ocean,spattered with islands. Make every other or every 3rd port be uncapturable to make sure one side couldnt just capture all the ports and hide all the CV's. And those ports have the 2 cruiser variety of task forces. And your pretty much assured of CV battles.

The only sticking points are the lancstukas, and the hiding of captured CVs.

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Offline JUGgler

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Re: Arena cap is getting out of hand
« Reply #44 on: March 12, 2011, 12:57:06 PM »
With the amount of "F" plane's I've been running into lately? I dont think so. And there are alot of folks that seemingly like the Carrier wars. Pac arena could be dominated by mostly ocean,spattered with islands. Make every other or every 3rd port be uncapturable to make sure one side couldnt just capture all the ports and hide all the CV's. And those ports have the 2 cruiser variety of task forces. And your pretty much assured of CV battles.

The only sticking points are the lancstukas, and the hiding of captured CVs.

I wouldn't say they do this for some love of carrier operations, I think the attraction is the "ack canopy". Think of it like ultimate fighting, you can always "tapout" so you don't get seriously hurt. The fleets are just a way for many to "tapout" and run away. I think this is proven by the # of landbased fighters that show up to a fight where a friendly CV is!

Also a pac arena would be dominated far more by altitude then what is currently experienced in the MAs. The Pacific theater is just not very competative when it comes to the aircraft! It is very one sided in favor of the Allies.  IMO

Unless I am reading you wrong and you intend to have all Pac planes available to every side? In this case the only planes not represented would be Luft and Italian. <-- This would seriously limit the quality of players in the Pac arena  agian IMO

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