And really. Taking extreme scenarios for nuke but regular coal operation as basis for comparison, that's not what you'd call objective. The Japanese plant failed due to the worst earthquake in records, and correct me if I'm wrong - not because of the earthquake itself but flooding from the tsunami. And the plant design itself had much lower limits than this earthquake, yet it apparently took the quake in stride and only failed due to supporting hardware (ie not the reactor itself) failures from flooding, and this design is 40 years old as well. So how about we compare apples and apples, say an extreme coal related scenario from decades ago... E.G. Buffalo Creek. Or the sludge dam failure in Martin county KY in 2000.
Paranoia about government hiding or denying nuclear damage.. How about coal industry hiding its damages? You seldom get anywhere with conspiracy theories. What you get is FUD and instigation of more public paranoia.