Thanks Traveler, appreciate it. Interesting films. I am hoping somebody will hook me up with some AH films that I can watch in the viewer from different perspectives and analyze.
Boomer, How'd that Pony keep flying with no wings?
dunno but i had to kill him for that lolz
LOL, you didn't have much of target left to shoot at either. Nice flying though TB!
Here's part of a flight from about a week ago (give or take). Not the best flying, in re-watching it I can see some mistakes that I think I made, but I think it does show a few things that make the 38 a little unique in that it has great low speed handling, stability, and concentrated firepower. Keep in mind this is the 38G which doesn't have quite the power that the J/L models have.*edit*Somehow in the clipping and copying it seems the sounds levels got a little screwy, if the playback sound is off it's the film.