Just never understood why a squad with big numbers gets on the forums and brags about taking bases.
And just who exactly from the Devil's Brigade has posted in this thread bragging about anything?
All I see are some posts on JUGgler's topic - whether base takes have become too easy and why people don't stop them - plus more of the same old whining, moaning, and braying by the same old crybabies with their crusty little knickers in the same old perpetual twist over our squad.
I guess we must be doing something right, anyway, to have such a fine collection of whiny little brats
Reading this BS is quickly becoming my 2nd favorite hobby after playing AH. Check that - 3rd favorite, after checking the stats of the same blowhards and seeing how badly they actually do clubbing us "baby seals" in the MA. See below.
Want to impress me?
Not really. Not why I play.
Want to impress
me? Quit talking trash in the forums and do something about it in the MA. We're not hard to find.
Btw, what's your in-game ID?
I like it when the vGuys attack one of our bases, it means that I have a plethora of easy kills waiting for me on a silver platter to enjoy at my leisure.
No truer words have been posted...
Funny, then, that members of our squad have killed you four times this tour in fighters and you've killed one of us once (plus one goon).
I guess you go right to the head of the list (just above Tralfazz) of forum blowhards who lack the skill to back their bragging about "easy vGuy kills". It's a lot easier to be a Big Man in the forum than in the arena, isn't it?
I don't like AKAK much, but I at least respect the fact that he, bunnies, and a few others actually have the guts and skill to back up some of their trash talk here.