depends what way you look at it.
Would a guy with no aces HO a guy with a streak? for sure, people do that to perk rides and any other rides already.
The guy on streak isn't going to HO in case he rams the guy or takes fatal damage. This also happens already in the sense that someone with ACM would pass the shot up.
It all goes around in circles but I can't agree that having a streak would mean an increase in timidness. The majority of the player base do not care about score or stats after all. For the pilots that have to artificially manipulate their streak, they will die eventually anyway. Just like the people who do that already in fighter mode.
I don't mind either way and I will let Fester debate some more if he wishes.
edit: Ok I read those other two threads regarding the same thing, I even got a screenshot in go me
hehe. I like the idea of one streak plane per month and suns idea
"Make them 40 ENY planes and i would be all for it. It would be fun to see who can get the most kills in a Hurri 1 or a Spit 1."
I think the net result if you gave them say a 100 perk reward, is some more fun rides being explored and flown instead of the late war monsters.