All PBYs were equipped with radar to detect surface targets.
Because the radar on the PBY didn't work like that. It could not detect aircraft, it was used to detect surface targets for their nightly bombing missions against Japanese bases and shipping.
Not all PBYs were amphibious models and didn't require any ramps as they'd be serviced on the water tied up to floatplane tenders or docks. Those PBYs that were also amphibians were also usually serviced on the water, if not then they'd just land on water and drive teh PBY up on the beach.
Well, let me revise what i said then.
The pby was used for cargo transport right? How about putting it in the game with the ability to be the only aircraft to carry CV repair supplies? You could fly out, land within the cruiser ring, and drop supplies in order to repair the cv.
Or how about make it the only plane able to up out of a port?
It par-took in anti-submarine activities, When we get submarines then the pby would deff be useful in AH.
And you say it had radar to detect surface ships? That could make the Pby even more important to Aces high, If you give it the ability to find CV groups using that radar. It would never become a hanger queen then, and would be our solution to people wanting to hide CV's.
Just my thought, i do think HTC will put it in the game tho once we have controllable submarines