Author Topic: a mission request.(For the pro's)  (Read 991 times)

Offline LThunderpocket

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a mission request.(For the pro's)
« on: April 11, 2011, 04:24:59 AM »
i was wondering if someone could make a mission with.....bear with me,50 or so planes.30 of whitch would be..B29s!!!then there would be 20 interceptors.2 262s,3 163s and 15 ta152s.and 10 p51s as escort.

now,if it cant be done i totaly understand,and its probably not your fault,i spoke to raphael today in MW and he said the AI might not be able to do it.

the scenario:30 b29s must take off headed for berlin to hit German industrial citys.(2)that are in Berlin.the flight should be long enough to climb to somewhere around 25-30k.So,whatever the terrain is in place,needs to have a base far away to allow the time and distance to reach that alt.

B29s:40x500 pound bombs-75% fuel
P51s:100% fuel-2x75 gallon DTs
262:75% fuel
TA152:75% fuel-2 a2a rockets.

anything else you can come up with/suggest would be nice.If you can do it,wonderful.If not,I totaly understand

"no sir,it's kind of like playing Lone Ranger,but no one has to be Tonto.its a game everyone wins"
-Cpl Fish
"I refuse to be a role model
I set goals, take control, drink out my own bottles"