I mean no offense to you but I just think it would be better added then some other aircraft.
none taken demon...and i agree for the most part...eventually.
as for the pby's finding the japanese at midway, ok...a pby spotted 2 japanese minesweepers on 3 june...same day the 4 pby's from vp-24 stationed at midway island found the transport fleet. the carrier fleet was found by a pby 1 day later on 4 june. only 1 aerial torpedo deployed hit a target during the entire battle, it came from 1 of the 4 pby's that made a night run on the transport fleet. did they save midway? probably not according to intelligence reports from the time period.
now let's put its usefulness in perspective...let's look at the main arenas where this slow flying boat would be used...according to a copy of a performance document i found maximium permissible speed at 24,000 lbs (no payload) is 210mph, at 32,000lbs 178mph, 34,500lbs 161mph....for operating the auto-pilot 98mph...aerobatics prohibited...and you know it will get modeled as close to realistic as possible...think about how long it takes to get to 15,000 alt in a stuka with the 1800kg bomb and 100% fuel and it's faster than a pby. put aside the kewl factor, it's only good for a very short time period...the d3a1 which is faster than the pby was used by 161 players last tour with 255 deaths and 64 kills...the stuka and b5n were used more.
speaking of which, you haven't flown the stuka at all this tour and you said you were going to...all month.

there is some really nice technical information here:
http://www.ww2aircraft.net/forum/flight-test-data/pby-performance-data-14239.htmlyou will have to register but it's worth it.