Author Topic: <S> to my RL friend for a good laugh. :)  (Read 338 times)

Offline Flayed

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<S> to my RL friend for a good laugh. :)
« on: April 23, 2011, 12:50:12 PM »
  So my real life friend just started flying AH again. He's tried for a day here and there but always gets frustrated and quits only to be called back and give it another go (seems to be sticking this time though.  :devil )       
   Anyway he logged on last night just a few min before the arena change to off hours, arena changes and we are on grinder.  He asks what we should do and I take a quick look at the map and see those 2 V-bases real close together, we had 29 and rooks had 42.   I say we should see about porking the troops at 42 to make it harder for those evil rooks to take our base.
 I up my usual flight of 26's and my bud takes an A-20 saying he wants to practice dive bombing.  We fly on down and I line up for my drop and just as I'm getting the filed in my bomb sight I hear BOOM BOOM but don't see any explosions and no plane on the enemy field.. I take a quick look at the map and have to chuckle as I say over squad vox   "Hey I think you bombed the wrong base."   

This makes everyone on chan laugh and my friend says well I don't have my call sign set as ANOOB for nothing lol.

  And to be fair I remember when I was a noob back in AH1.  I had just upped an OOBER TBM because you know any plane that can have a 2000lb bomb has to be good lol.   I even had another noob gunning for me.   I gain altitude and turn toward target, calibrate perfectly the old hard way and drop my bomb hitting exactly what I was aiming for when my gunner says to me. "you know that was OUR base right?"   Evidently Bish had just captured it a few min before I got there to bomb and I didn't notice lol.

  So <S> all you well intentioned NOOBS out there that make others laugh at your silly well intentioned antics and welcome to the game.  :salute

 And to all you other vets here please feel free to share one of your favorite noob moments and make all the new guys feel at home. :)
Bringing peace to the MA's 1 explody thingy at a time! :)

  Pork em Pork em all!!!
  And the best quote EVERRRRR!!!
"All I can say is wow,some people are really stuck on stupid."

Offline TOMCAT21

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Re: <S> to my RL friend for a good laugh. :)
« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2011, 10:47:45 AM »
Taking vehicle supplies instead of troops in goon for noe sneak.
RETIRED US Army/ Flying and dying since Tour 80/"We're paratroopers, Lieutenant, we're supposed to be surrounded." - Capt. Richard Winters.  FSO 412th FNVG/MA- REGULATORS