Since it is all too easy to bail out accidentally trying to clear a stuck text window I have advocated for years mapping the key to Shift Enter x 3.
Just one small layer of protection against bailing out accidentally with a load of kills.
I had to laugh when you posted. - It was one of the first things I found out. It comes as a bit of a suprise when you think you have not hit the enter key properly to clear the text window, so of course the natural reaction is try again a couple of times - Suddenly you find you have parted company with your aircraft, tumbling towards terra firma.
I did it a couple of times before I realised what was going on. After that, it was very clearly ingrained in my grey matter, so fortunately I don't need to re-map with the shift. Good idea though - in my case I would probably forget to use the shift and end up stuck in the blazing falling wreckage of the cockpit