which X6 CPU do you have?
can you post the top 1/3rd of your DXDIAG report
a clean install of Windows 7 64 bit will usually have around a 1600MB pagefile used ........ you should tweak this down to around 1,000MB or less if possible ( but depending on what all you do this is a personal preference / suggestion )
also, did you change any settings in your BIOS?
Did you switch your memory to "Ganged Mode" instead of "Unganged Mode" ??? ( if the MSI boards have this feature... I am not familar with MSI boards that much )
Did you place your (2) Sticks of Ram in the correct DIMM slots for your MB to gain the best performance?
Did you disable the onboard Graphics? ...... are you using a Hybrid Crossfire setup with your New VideoCard and the Onboard ATI VC ?
also be careful if you are attempting to OC your CPU/Ram, your MB seems to have alot of bad reviews over on newegg
hope this helps
this here is what i have:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103851I havent touched my BIOS, my RAM is in the right slots, havent over clocked my mobo, if i get around to hookin it back upill get the top third of my DXDIAG up (dad drilled the hole for the ethernet cable when i told him NOT to drill. havent seen a need for my computer to be hooked up, only to unhook it again when i get the cable)
about the onboard graphics, how do i disable them? i plugged my card in and that was that..except for a driver update.
by "ganged" vs. "unganged" mode you mean?
NOTE: when i get the money i plan on getting a new mobo, along with a case, and the other goodies.
And what are the specs of your brother's computer?
Keep in mind, these multi-core processors don't make the computer faster so much.. they make it so it can run more things at once without slowing down. If you can run AH at max with all that open at once (and especially while doing a scan) that tell me it's doing exactly what it's supposed to!
MY old Intel C2D does well enough but if it's doing anything in the background my AH gets choppy....
hes rockin a DDR2 mobo haha. lemme play around with Windows XP and seee if i can pull up the specs of that.
at an average of $2 per gigabyte, that was one very very expensive drive...try sata.
ok so you installed the os yourself...you double checked the bios to make sure your timings were all correct...you defragmented the drive after installing all the stuff you wanted and ran the updates...
what os is your brother running and what are his hardware specs?
I do have a sata cable, so its probably a SATA sdrive in that case... (sorry bout that, new to the computer world).
i havent touched my BIOS, would rather not eff somethin up and really eff the machine.
my brother is runnin Windows XP home i believe. has stated, he has a DDR2 MSI mobo. all i know about it. havent scrounged around his stuff too much. one of my buddies gave him an old nVidia graphics card, but im not sure on the model.