Author Topic: Alternative Sales Hook Idea for AH  (Read 888 times)

Offline ImADot

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Re: Alternative Sales Hook Idea for AH
« Reply #15 on: June 10, 2011, 11:53:57 AM »
I think HTC's idea for full access to all planes and arenas is a good one; let the prospective new customer play with all the toys in the sandbox.  I'd even suggest giving them 50 perks in each category so they can try the perk items too.

But I like the suggestion of having the trial period be "online time" instead of real-world calendar time.  Give them 60 "in-game" hours to play with.  If it takes them two weeks or two months, then so be it; not everyone has 4 hours every day to play a game.
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Offline TeeArr

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Re: Alternative Sales Hook Idea for AH
« Reply #16 on: June 10, 2011, 12:10:54 PM »
For those of us who are old enough to remember, AcesHigh used to be available for free in an 8 Player arena, 4 on a side.  It was free, and it was online.  You had all the vehicles and planes that the Subscription had and many different maps to choose from.
It was stopped  by HiTech after repeatedly being hacked and the hackers then using those cheats they created in the MA.  The Hackers had hours of free time to develop and test their cheats.
I don't think HiTech will, nor wants to go through that again.
That's just my 2 cents.

Offline oboe

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Re: Alternative Sales Hook Idea for AH
« Reply #17 on: June 10, 2011, 12:12:16 PM »
I spent a few weeks offline learning WWII flying instead of modern jets (falcon 4.0).  When I went online, I was hooked the first day...after landing 3 kills in a P-39.

Now that's a noob with class!   :rock

Actually I think holding something back from the potential subscribers is a better idea.  Might be harder to implement coding-wise, but psychologically I think you want to hold something back that potential subscribers need to subscribe and pay for to get.

Maybe its that two weekers can't earn perks; something simple like that.   (But then I'd be for lightly perking the top aircraft across the board - e.g. you want a P-51, fine - fly the 'B'.  But you gotta pay up and earn a perk point to get in the 'D' - same for Spits, FWs, 109s, etc.)

That would really be a incentive to get them to subscribe.  
« Last Edit: June 10, 2011, 02:30:25 PM by oboe »

Offline grizz441

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Re: Alternative Sales Hook Idea for AH
« Reply #18 on: June 10, 2011, 12:25:17 PM »
What's wrong with giving 1 month free instead of 2 weeks?  Probably takes at the very least two weeks to figure out what is going on anyways.  I also like the idea of making the WW1 arena free.

Offline ImADot

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Re: Alternative Sales Hook Idea for AH
« Reply #19 on: June 10, 2011, 12:48:47 PM »
For those of us who are old enough to remember, AcesHigh used to be available for free in an 8 Player arena, 4 on a side.  It was free, and it was online.  You had all the vehicles and planes that the Subscription had and many different maps to choose from.
It was stopped  by HiTech after repeatedly being hacked and the hackers then using those cheats they created in the MA.  The Hackers had hours of free time to develop and test their cheats.
I don't think HiTech will, nor wants to go through that again.
That's just my 2 cents.

What does the old free H2H have to do with the subject?
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Offline SEseph

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Re: Alternative Sales Hook Idea for AH
« Reply #20 on: June 10, 2011, 12:52:01 PM »
What's wrong with giving 1 month free instead of 2 weeks?  Probably takes at the very least two weeks to figure out what is going on anyways.
I also like the idea of making the WW1 arena free.
-1 not a fan of this idea
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Offline oboe

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Re: Alternative Sales Hook Idea for AH
« Reply #21 on: June 10, 2011, 02:38:22 PM »
I edited my post with additional content but I think it might've been too far up the list for people to see. 

As much as I appreciated having full access to all the planes when I was a two-weeker, I think you could create more desire in people to subscribe if you held some planes and vehicles back from them during their free period, and used teaser-type popups when they logged in.  Imagine this MOTD for two-weekers:

Who's gonna say no to $14.95 for a bubble-top Pony, after being pounded on in the MA everytime they log in?   It's mean, it's evil...but I think it'd work to increase subscription rates after the two weeks.  In fact, I think people would click 'subscribe' before the two weeks is even finished.   

Offline Krusty

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Re: Alternative Sales Hook Idea for AH
« Reply #22 on: June 10, 2011, 03:52:58 PM »
Limiting stuff is too much like the DLC crap that game consoles have been pulling for years. People hate it with a passion and it makes for crappy gameplay IMO. Has to be full access or nothing.

I would agree 1 month free trial. Hell in 2 weeks I barely had time to find a fight when I started! I also didn't realize it started the second I chose a name, even if I didn't enter the server right away and lost some of my time  :D

Offline oboe

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Re: Alternative Sales Hook Idea for AH
« Reply #23 on: June 10, 2011, 04:25:31 PM »
What's DLC?  I don't do consoles, except I was hooked on the early Madden playstation games.

Have to say I do like the way HTC does it now - you get full access to everything and can make a fair evaluation.  After the free period expires, you choose to subscribe or not.  Simple and straightforward.   

Human nature being what it is though, I suspect you could get more people to subscribe and start paying by withholding a few desirable rides during the free trial.  I do think the percentage of two-weekers who convert to subscribers would increase - people would tend to blame their lack of success on not having access to one of the monster planes.  But I also think the number of subscribers who cancel after the first month would probably go up, when these players learn the desirable planes aren't helping their flying any.   

I like the way the mini screenshot looks in the MOTD flip-out though.  You could use a feature like that to introduce players to the different aircraft and briefly point out their in-game strengths and weaknesses.

Offline Krusty

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Re: Alternative Sales Hook Idea for AH
« Reply #24 on: June 10, 2011, 04:41:57 PM »
DLC = DownLoadable Content, usually associated with fees.

MW2 map release for $15 more. Can't play those maps unless you pay. BFBC2 extra skins and weapons and "achievements" (already in the game but *gasp* now you can play as character so and so!) available for $15. Halo3, play as Master Cheif, $10 preorder!

Stupid stuff like that. Sadly, even Valve is going this route, it seems. They've gone so far as to allow game-play-changing things in the game "store" -- stupid lousy gits! They ruined a good game, basically!

 :furious :furious :furious

I hope AH never goes that way. Ever.  :pray

EDIT: In short, DLC = paid unlocks.

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Re: Alternative Sales Hook Idea for AH
« Reply #25 on: June 10, 2011, 04:46:10 PM »
Ah, but they do it because it works, no?

Offline lyric1

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Re: Alternative Sales Hook Idea for AH
« Reply #26 on: June 10, 2011, 04:51:22 PM »
The issue of free stuff has been suggested before. While your idea is a decent one, the problem I see with it is that they dont see enough of what they are missing out on.

I personally liked the suggestion of making the WW1 arena free because of it's horribly low numbers even though i have no interest in that arena. Yes. :aok And possibly some variation of that idea with the early and mid war arenas. Not sure. :headscratch:

Also letting free users have unlimited access to shore batteries,NO. :old: field guns,NO. :old: and resupply vehicles in the MA would be wise.Yes. :aok

Now just an FYI, this thread goes in the wish list. Please put them there, your throwing my general discussion groove off!

Offline Babalonian

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Re: Alternative Sales Hook Idea for AH
« Reply #27 on: June 10, 2011, 04:54:39 PM »
I really like the idea of the WWI arena, as it is, to be made free as an incentive for lureing in subscribers.

I also think upping the 2-week free trial to a month is a good idea.  This game has a huge learning curve, and it also caters to a crowd that may not have the free time needed to devote to learn the game within two weeks of available play time. 
« Last Edit: June 10, 2011, 04:56:28 PM by Babalonian »
"Let's light 'em up and see how they smoke."
POTW IIw Oink! -

Wow, you guys need help.

Offline falcon23

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Re: Alternative Sales Hook Idea for AH
« Reply #28 on: June 10, 2011, 05:31:13 PM »
How about one month free..BUT whenever one is in the TA ONLY,it does NOT count torwards the month trial..AND,and this just came to me..The D.A. costs 1/2 of time torwards the month..that may be a bbit much..

     but the TA no time cost torwards the month free, I think, would go along way to getting someone half way decent and wanting to stick around..They get killed in the MA's and hey go train in the TA get better,then go fly around the MA's.We all know time goes very fast in this game.

   And maybe the hourly set time,instead of a flat month,would better utilize this scheme..

Offline lyric1

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Re: Alternative Sales Hook Idea for AH
« Reply #29 on: June 10, 2011, 05:32:23 PM »
I really like the idea of the WWI arena, as it is, to be made free as an incentive for lureing in subscribers.

I also think upping the 2-week free trial to a month is a good idea.  This game has a huge learning curve, and it also caters to a crowd that may not have the free time needed to devote to learn the game within two weeks of available play time. 
:aok WW1 a gate way drug so to speak :)