May FSO Burma Backwater Allied Frame 3 AAR Part 1
The squad lifted off from A4 with five pilots in B-25C's. The Gunfighters lifted off with 10 B-25's and 2 Hurricanes, the Air Raiders launched with 5 B-25's, VMF-222 lifted off with 7 Hurricanes, and WD-40 launched with 15 pilots in mixed Seafires and Hurricanes.
DWDing 22:24:22 Departed from Field #4 in a B-25C
DWKuya 22:24:31 Departed from Field #4 in a B-25C
cunuk 22:24:36 Departed from Field #4 in a B-25C
DWShrddr 22:24:37 Departed from Field #4 in a B-25C
Bern1 22:24:38 Departed from Field #4 in a B-25C
The fighters flew to the target, A37, and began establishing CAP to the northwest of the base. The bombers took a NOE run through valleys just southwest of the base and turned towards target for a south to north run on the base.
Bern1 22:46:09 Destroyed a barracks at base #37
DWKuya 22:46:43 Destroyed a radar at base #37
DWDing 22:46:44 Destroyed a field gun at base #37
DWShrddr 22:47:01 Destroyed a field gun at base #37
DWKuya 22:47:44 Helps Daffy shoot down NAVCAD.
Bern1 22:50:29 Helps tuk151 shoot down WWhiskey.
The survivors landed safely for the night.
Bern1 23:08:41 Arrived Safely at Field #4
cunuk 23:13:48 Arrived Safely at Field #4
DWShrddr 23:14:01 Arrived Safely at Field #4
DWKuya 23:14:17 Arrived Safely at Field #4
DWDing 23:14:19 Arrived Safely at Field #4
Allied Intelligence reported that 21 Zekes and 11 Ki-61's were defending against 60 B-25's, 17 Hurricanes and 8 Seafires. 33 Objects were destroyed at a cost of 6 B-25's, 2 Hurricanes and 3 Seafires. The Japanese lost 29 fighters.
132 DW Bomber Group stats:
Pilots: 5
Kills: 0
Assists: 2
Obj Destroyed: 4
Deaths: 0
Landed: 5
Bailed: 0
Captured: 0
Crashed: 0
Ditched: 0
Disco'd: 0