While I don't consider the Brew a true EZ mode plane there are indications of nefarious activities concerning the Brew. I am leaning towards a clandestine partnership between the Finns and SAPP. Much along the lines of the known SAPP blender hack, I do believe through the work of high ranking members of the Consortium of 12 an agreement (through bribes obviously) with Hitech himself that a new hack has been released. I will from this point forward refer to it as "Operation Pickled Herring". The Pickled Herring hack allows the Brew to drive faster than a jug, outclimb K-4s, outturn anything, .50 and .30 cals that hit harder than 20mm, and absorb damage like a lancanster. I do believe SAPP underestimated the Finnish capacity for bribery though. While the Consortium was just trying to getting the Finns a small advantage like the blender hack (which only requires one bottle of single malt scotch a month), Dale has actually been receiving an entire case of scotch a month from a PO Box somewhere deep in Finland. This breach of protocol has forced the Consortium to make Silat work double shifts on her favorite corner to generate enough funds to send Dale a case and a half of scotch a month to regain their blender hack in an upgraded version.
The Grizz-Venn system is accurate in its Brew classification although the Finns and SAPP are now sharing status as Hitech's bottom-feeding scotch underground railroad.