Author Topic: Not quite fully baked yet  (Read 6463 times)

Offline bbosen

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Re: Not quite fully baked yet
« Reply #15 on: August 20, 2011, 04:46:51 PM »
Thanks mrmidi. Your video was clear, and very helpful.  It ALMOST solved my problem. Close, but no cigar.

I used the CoralSea map, since somebody here had commented that it worked for them, and its geography suits my needs pretty well.

I was able to follow your clear instructions precisely, and everything that you described worked as you described. However, I need to make a lot of airfield/country ownership changes, and NONE of those changes were seen online. Offline, the changes are immediately activated exactly as one would expect. Online, the "arena tables" now upload, plane by plane and field by field exactly as you showed in your training video clip. At the end of that process, plane availability is exactly as I had hoped. Arena flight mode and other similar settings are exactly as I had hoped. But Field ownership is unchanged from the (unsatisfactory) default. I can use the "Country Reset" tool to rotate the knights, bishops, and rooks around within the default strategic situation, but my request to rejigger the boundaries (so that a 2-country conflict centers on Bougainville instead of the jumbled, confused 3-country mishmash that's configured by default) is completely ignored.

So close, and yet so far....

The successful process that you showed in your video was very close to the unsuccessful process I have been using. I realize that when I made my video clip I forgot to click on "ENABLE AT ALL FIELDS" when I made my aircraft availability changes, and so your correction (made in a prior memo of this thread) is entirely correct in that context. However, I really have been making aircraft changes correctly in other situations, so I'm not sure which of the very small differences between your process and mine has resulted in better success for me. Perhaps because I was using 8-character filenames when I saved my arena tables.... I've shortened them, and I'm now having better success. That's my best guess as to why it's better now.

HOWEVER, I'm still wondering if ANYBODY has ever been able to save and retrieve EVERYTHING in a sophisticated custom setup, including customized airfield/country ownership settings????

Offline mrmidi

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Re: Not quite fully baked yet
« Reply #16 on: August 20, 2011, 05:58:38 PM »
Are you wanting a setup similar to the Coral Sea Scenario?

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Offline jimson

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Re: Not quite fully baked yet
« Reply #17 on: August 20, 2011, 09:23:27 PM »
bbosen, I just tried it twice and the country ownership settings are not transferring over for me either.

I tried it with Coral Sea and with Mindan09.

I can confirm that it used to work in AvA before the update, I have not had cause to try it in AvA since the update, but it is definitely not working for me in the custom arenas either.

One thing that may help you to quickly change field ownership online is the dot command if you don't already know it.

.sfield<space>field number<space>country number<space> repeat country number.

Default country numbers are Bish=1 Knight=2 Rook=3

To change field A-5 to knights would look like this: .sfield 5 2 2, that will change it's status as both original and current country to knight.

Us AvA guys may upload custom tables even more often than the SEA guys, if I'm not mistaken, they do most of their set up work online.

I would be surprised to learn that custom field ownership transfer is working for anyone.

Midi would you be able to try it and see if it works for you?
« Last Edit: August 20, 2011, 09:57:02 PM by jimson »

Offline mrmidi

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Re: Not quite fully baked yet
« Reply #18 on: August 21, 2011, 07:50:14 AM »
I will look at this today. I'll start with the ndisles terrain since it is a default terrain, and then with one of the sea terrains.

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Offline mrmidi

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Re: Not quite fully baked yet
« Reply #19 on: August 21, 2011, 09:46:55 AM »
Yep it looks like setting field ownership up off line first will not transfer to the custom arenas.

I tried this several times and ways with no success.

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Offline jimson

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Re: Not quite fully baked yet
« Reply #20 on: August 21, 2011, 09:56:11 AM »
I've tried it on mindan09, Coral Sea and ndisles with no success.

It is apparently unrelated to specific terrains and simply does not work at all.

Now that we've narrowed this problem down to something specific, perhaps HTC can fix it.

Offline bbosen

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Re: Not quite fully baked yet
« Reply #21 on: August 21, 2011, 12:06:40 PM »
Thanks guys!

Offline oneway

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Re: Not quite fully baked yet
« Reply #22 on: August 21, 2011, 01:40:53 PM »
Has anyone in the CM group ever tried to do a timed macro setup.

In other words, a macro that maps all of the necessary (possible) direct text buffer dot commands that runs in a continuous manner that by simply enabling or starting the macro would then initiate a series of  generated key strokes on a line by line basis to set up the arena?

Such a macro manager generator could even effect the destruction of objects and rehabilitation of them such as the ships guns in Coral, as well as wind...which we all know is not store-able in any manner other than via this third party technique.

Thus a user could dispense with tables altogether, and starting with a blank slate default map, initiate the macro and then just sit back and wait for the macro to run its course. Under such a situation, the user would save a macro file instead of the FLD, PLN, VAR and DOD files.

Once the user was in game, he would simply invoke the buffer and set it to receive (blinking input text indicator), cram a button and wait.

An example:

macro output > game input > ".det f42shp 1" + return + (delay .5)
macro output > game input > ".det f43shp 1" + return + (delay .5)
macro output > game input > ".det f44shp 1" + return + (delay .5)
macro output > game input > ".det f45shp 1" + return + (delay .5)
macro output > game input > ".det f32baa 1" + return + (delay .5)
macro output > game input > ".det f32bat 1" + return + (delay .5)
macro output > game input > ".restore f32baa00c" + return + (delay .5)
macro output > game input > ".restore f32baa00d" + return + (delay .5)
macro output > game input > ".restore f32baa00e" + return + (delay .5)

It is an idea that has intrigued me for quite some time given the ponderous nature of setting the tables manually, as well as the problematic nature of using tables with the remote servers.

Just a thought and it would certainly be an interesting project to actually code.

Programmatic generated keystrokes are child's play, and the biggest hurdle would be the creation and maintenance of a user interface that dovetails with the games settings (flags, long vals, int vals, bool vals, string vals) etc Such a program would simply ignore any values that were default values and run just the script necessary to effect changes.

The delay value for each line of output input could be adjusted to suit the users connection speed to the host server

Further macro templates could be saved and recalled to accommodate the fact that so often settings for special events repeat themselves. Thus a user could start with standard template, that deviates from default, and make the few adjustments necessary to bring about the final template required for the frame or event.

A macro based system completely does an end around the fact DOD files cannot be uploaded via the Tables, Objects destroyed and Wind layers cannot be recalled either offline or online, and would eliminate the manual dot commands and/or menu interactions to effect such changes


« Last Edit: August 21, 2011, 02:12:50 PM by oneway »

Offline -sudz-

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Re: Not quite fully baked yet
« Reply #23 on: September 01, 2011, 02:52:35 PM »
While looking into this I discovered a few bugs in the system - specially with fields.  It's already fixed and will be in the next release.

You will be able to select an arena configuration right off the Custom Arena dialog without it crashing or other funky things so you shouldn't need to visit the 'Arena Tables' dialog at all.

I'll talk to HiTech about revisiting the user interface to make things easier to navigate.  But with the configuration selection working on the initial creation, most players won't even need to get to the config stuff.

- Sudz

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Re: Not quite fully baked yet
« Reply #24 on: September 01, 2011, 03:44:26 PM »
Nothing clever here.  Please, move along.

Offline kanttori

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Re: Not quite fully baked yet
« Reply #25 on: September 02, 2011, 06:52:04 PM »
Thank You Midi for that You Tube videolesson, it was simple and clear!  :salute
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Offline Klam

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Re: Not quite fully baked yet
« Reply #26 on: September 04, 2011, 05:07:07 PM »
Nice work guys....just struggled for an hour or so trying to make changes stick.....should have watched the vids first LOL


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Re: Not quite fully baked yet
« Reply #27 on: September 04, 2011, 06:55:29 PM »
Cool! Looks like it's time to start pumping out custom terrains, again. :D
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Offline bbosen

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Re: Not quite fully baked yet
« Reply #28 on: October 21, 2011, 06:00:50 AM »
I've tried it on mindan09, Coral Sea and ndisles with no success.

It is apparently unrelated to specific terrains and simply does not work at all.

Now that we've narrowed this problem down to something specific, perhaps HTC can fix it.

So I see that a new version of Aces High was published in mid-October 2011. Did this problem get fixed?

Offline jimson

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Re: Not quite fully baked yet
« Reply #29 on: October 21, 2011, 11:30:18 AM »
Looks like some things got fixed but haven't tried it yet.

Version 2.25 Patch 0 Changes
Please note that there is an updated hi-res texture pack that you will need to download if you are running 1024 or greater texture size.

Added the P-40F and P-40N.  Thanks to cactuscooler for the skins.

Added the Panzer IV F and updated the Panzer IV H.  Thanks to Greebo for these skins.

Added the M-18 Hellcat.

Completely revised P-40 flight modeling from the ground up.  Changed the P-40B designation to a P-40C. 

Changed the muzzle flash on tank guns to emit smoke.

Fixed a low level collision test that could return incorrect results in certain situations.

Fixed a bug that could cause icon or text colors to not display correctly on systems with low end video chips.

Fixed a bug that caused arena tables with longer names to not appear on the upload table list.

Fixed a crash bug that happened when spawning a custom arena with custom settings.

Fixed an issue with the Tiger 2 that allowed it to be easily damaged from the inside.

Changed it so that if the barrel of a weapon is sticking into an object, it will no longer fire.

Many missing in-plane sounds (stall horn, wind, airframe stress, etc) now play in the film viewer.  Note that they will only be present in new films.

Ground vehicles films now record gunsight and turret information along with other general improvements in this area. 

Film viewer now saves the window size between sessions.

Fixed some potential plane performance issues that could occur above the normal service ceiling.

Updated canopy frames on the P-51s and Spitfires to 3D shapes.

Fixed a gear shadow issue on the B5N.

Calibrated the TBM's 10K mark on the altimeter.

Added the following new CM commands that are used for change cloud patterns:

.ulweath FILENAME - uploads a cloud file (.AWA) from your \aces high\chconfig\(terrain name) folder.  Note that this function is only available to CMs at this time and not custom hosts.  We're still working on other improvements in this area.

.dweath - Displays all available cloud patterns for the current terrain.

.sweath FILENAME - Sets the arena to use the specified cloud file.