When one feels a sense of accomplishment it was an accomplishment for him.For me, any individual 1v1 kill is always an accomplishment if the pilot I flew against put up a good fight and made me earn it. I also feel accomplishment when I am able to control multi plane engagements/situations. Whether that be a dogfight against 3-4, or when I am hovering above a swarm and have 1 or 2 coalt/above me that I also need to deal with. RTBing and landing is necessary because it completes the success. I would use the analogy of eating something delicious. The taste itself is great but the act of swallowing is completion.
If you think you are having a 1v1 in the Main Arena, your SA has failed you.
Smoking, I disagree. The point of the game is to have as much fun as possible. That usually involves 30 sec+ fights for most people. A HO ends a fight or prevent one from ever happening. It doesn't take 2 to HO. If one guy decides to fire, he's going to bring his sights to wherever you break or turn. It takes 2 NOT to HO, only takes one to end a fight prematurely. However, like I stated, there are situations where you must take every opportunity you get because your chances of survival are low.
Here is a better question:When is it alright to tell people how to fight, especially those who help fund the game you play?
Maybe, they were offering their opinion and giving you an example of what they found fun and satisfying. I don't see where you were "told how to fight". Everyone fids their fun in different way. As time goes by that also changes as per the individual. This particular individual, Grizz, has some respect here and certainly has alot of experience. You may choose to listen, understand, and act upone that opinion and advice or not.
By putting reasons to ho or not to ho, you are therefore putting out the opinion of when it is ok to only do this attack. That is telling people how to play...it does not matter whether it is advice, or whether it will improve their fighting style, some people don't want to improve; they just want to destroy other aircraft.
By putting reasons to ho or not to ho, you are therefore putting out the message of when it is ok to only do this attack. That is telling people how to play...it does not matter whether it is advice, or whether it will improve their fighting style, some people don't want to improve; they just want to destroy other aircraft.
the game is concentrated on combat, not on shaking the screen.semp