From the recently acquired 364th FG history. They flew 38s then 51s in the ETO with the 8th AF. The pilot's name is Ken Nicholson. he's referring to the 38J-25 or 38L with the power assisted controls. Thought his comment regarding out rolling 190s was interesting.
"The P-38 was one of the worlds fastest diving airplanes. Unfortunately it was Hell to pull out. One of those experiences was enough. By using servo tabs on the ailerons and rudders though it became one of the world's fastest rollers. I've started after a FW190 in a roll and waited for him to finish The P51s were easier to fly, not nearly as maneuverable as my P-38 and 15 mph slower, but they surely did alright above 15,000 feet. I wound up with two and a share, but it seems to be a unique category because some of the aces introduce me as one of their 'half-aced' friends"