p51 is easymode if you stick to running and picking
Well IMO, the Jug is probably the most simple aircraft. It's easy to use, if you know what you're doing, the E doesn't last long, but if you have good E you can always make a swift zoom climb. It's best to BNZ with it, however, most people use it like it's a Stuka, which was correct for it's roll but I argue that I would love to see a Jug comparable to the ratio of the M. The M performs quite well due to people not stocking it with bombs, also with a light gun package it can be borderline lethal (if you do not know how to use it). Same with the D11, however nobody really uses it, they either use a D-40, N, or an M. The D11 and D25 are my most favorite models. However, if there was no Jug to the game, I would probably end up flying P-40s, which are comparable. Not so much comparable in ord, but six .50s do good enough. Takes the same style as the Jug.