you're missing the point raphael, the new rule now makes it more difficult if not impossible to enforce certain behaviors. there will undoubtedly be some modifications to the ucmj as unforseen situations arise. you have to also consider the centuries old traditions in place. women carrying weapons in hostile zones took decades to become a reality, even if they're not allowed on what is considered the front lines yet. with the new executive order, there are going to be problems. granted some distinguished careers will be saved but, what is the price really going to be in the long run? the majority of us don't live in a society of full acceptance as it is, there is always that invisible fence known as "tolerance".
who knows, maybe in a few more generations, it won't even be an issue.
personally, i'm tolerant but i wouldn't have wanted to be quartered with anyone who had that orientation. and for those who think they are "enlightened", try living in close quarters where privacy is at a minimum with 3 other people of the same sex that could decide to share a bunk together while you're in the room.