Author Topic: An Idea for Tank Town  (Read 1034 times)

Offline Slate

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Re: An Idea for Tank Town
« Reply #15 on: September 28, 2011, 09:45:28 AM »

   Brother, we can call it Munchkinland if that is what is wanted.  However there are some map areas that are GV centric, and these are the locations that I started this thread about.  The point of this thread is not hash out philosophies of Aces High but to create an area that better meets the needs of the GVers in the game.


  Trinity map has just what you are looking for with 6 V-bases away from easy access from Airbases but never has a mass GV battle . maybe that map is too large?
what exactly is lame? Midway helping take enemy bases and/or blowing up enemy tanks?  :headscratch:  what's wrong with that?
TT was a place in the past where GV's could enjoy thier battle just like some enjoy a 1v1 without interference. It was an unwritten rule all countries followed as that map has limited opportunities where all countries meet. Yes midway pulled a fast one and then my fellow rooks were po ed and kicked Bish off the Island and the GV fight evaporated thats all I'm saying . I apologize Tull if I hijacked thread.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2011, 10:04:11 AM by Slate »
I always wanted to fight an impossible battle against incredible odds.

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Re: An Idea for Tank Town
« Reply #16 on: September 28, 2011, 10:01:59 AM »
....then my fellow rooks were po ed....

Few things more fun than fighting PO'ed Rooks.   :furious :mad: :aok :)

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Offline coombz

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Re: An Idea for Tank Town
« Reply #17 on: September 28, 2011, 10:10:46 AM »
please stop your lame behaviour of killing enemy players and taking enemy bases Midway

it's lame

your opponents said so
Did you see my dad on dogfights yet?
I'll be seeing you face to face possibly next month.

Offline Zoney

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Re: An Idea for Tank Town
« Reply #18 on: September 28, 2011, 10:12:45 AM »
Wag more, bark less.

Offline Slate

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Re: An Idea for Tank Town
« Reply #19 on: September 28, 2011, 10:14:41 AM »
I always wanted to fight an impossible battle against incredible odds.

Offline Midway

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Re: An Idea for Tank Town
« Reply #20 on: September 28, 2011, 10:15:44 AM »
please stop your lame behaviour of killing enemy players and taking enemy bases Midway

it's lame

your opponents said so

I can't!  It's too hard for me!  I want to be a man of peace (thru strength -- of character), but it's so very hard to leave the enemy alone.   :frown: :cry

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Offline coombz

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Re: An Idea for Tank Town
« Reply #21 on: September 28, 2011, 10:16:41 AM »
Did you see my dad on dogfights yet?
I'll be seeing you face to face possibly next month.

Offline Mano

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Re: An Idea for Tank Town
« Reply #22 on: September 28, 2011, 11:24:58 AM »
Along the lines of making it more difficult for planes to bomb the GV's.........I would like to suggest only the
WWI planes are activated at the airfields surrounding Tank Town. WWI'ers get some action and the GV's are for
the most part left alone to do their ground battle.


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Offline Vapor

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Re: An Idea for Tank Town
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2011, 12:09:36 PM »
Why not just do away with GV icons or shorten them dramatically, then make a plane have to cue in on other's fired rounds or smoke rounds to mark the area.   :salute

Lt. Vapor
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Offline ImADot

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Re: An Idea for Tank Town
« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2011, 12:19:27 PM »
Along the lines of making it more difficult for planes to bomb the GV's.........I would like to suggest only the
WWI planes are activated at the airfields surrounding Tank Town. WWI'ers get some action and the GV's are for
the most part left alone to do their ground battle.

Why not just do away with GV icons or shorten them dramatically, then make a plane have to cue in on other's fired rounds or smoke rounds to mark the area.

Every time I spawn up a custom arena with the ndiles map this is exactly what I do to the center island.  Only difference is C47's enabled at the airfields on the island and WWI planes enabled at the vehicle fields.
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Offline VonMessa

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Re: An Idea for Tank Town
« Reply #25 on: September 28, 2011, 12:32:57 PM »
Getting bombed?

Take out ords.  Yes, it requires a few minutes away from the GV fight, but it is the simplest way to stop the bombs from falling.

Take a friend, it could be fun...

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Offline Seanaldinho

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Re: An Idea for Tank Town
« Reply #26 on: September 28, 2011, 02:53:07 PM »
B.    Make the V-Bases around Tank Town un-capture able.  This will provide a guaranteed haven to all three sides so that all GVers can enjoy the ground game with all opponents.  This tool has been used to prevent two sides from ganging up on one to knock it all the way out of a map.  It can also be applied to keep Tank Town as an area for ground operations.

The problem with that is people will just camp hangers once they have a CAP.

Offline chaser

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Re: An Idea for Tank Town
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2011, 05:09:10 PM »

   As a GVer from way back, Tank Town is one of those maps that are looked forward to.  It provides the venue to go out there and “Clank” around having a gun fight with other GVers.   This has been more and more disrupted by the interference of players that get frustrated by the “kill and be killed” nature of the area.  These players take out their frustrations by either capturing the offending side’s V-base or by becoming a “Bomb Tard”.  The effect of these players is to spoil the fun of dedicated GVers.

   I have two suggestions to improve the Tank Town opportunity for GVers.

A.    For the “Bomb Tards” install a heavy consternation of Puffy Ack that fires at all sides.  This will make the bombers have more skin in the game when they fly in to take out their frustrations on the players having fun GVing
B.    Make the V-Bases around Tank Town un-capture able.  This will provide a guaranteed haven to all three sides so that all GVers can enjoy the ground game with all opponents.  This tool has been used to prevent two sides from ganging up on one to knock it all the way out of a map.  It can also be applied to keep Tank Town as an area for ground operations.

   This is my 2 cents worth to improve the game’s enjoyment for those who wish to clank around the battlefield throwing heavy shots at our brother players.


"Oddball: We see our role as essentially defensive in nature. While our armies are advancing so fast and everyone's knocking themselves out to be heroes, we are holding ourselves in reserve in case the Krauts mount a counteroffensive which threatens Paris... or maybe even New York. Then we can move in and stop them. But for 1.6 million dollars, we could become heroes for three days."


The only change I would make would be to keep the 3 center GV bases capturable but the rest uncapturable.

Anothing thing that might be better than heavy flack would be to just disable ords at the 3 TT air bases. That way the fighters can still have their fight above while we GVers have our fight on the ground. Seems like an easy fix.

Offline FBCrabby

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Re: An Idea for Tank Town
« Reply #28 on: September 28, 2011, 11:54:19 PM »
The only reason why you lose those gv bases cause you're more worried about killing tanks in the middle...

Its just like when people spend more time "Furballing" to pay any attention to their base... If there IS so many of you... then there shouldn't be any problem of getting into a wirble to defend your base so you can still "clank" around TT...

It only takes a few minutes to drive out there right? then it should only take a few minutes to drive back to your base to defend it...

Sadly enough, I'm with Midway on this one "to an extent" - FB$ - Proud Squadron Of Aces High II

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Offline LCADolby

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Re: An Idea for Tank Town
« Reply #29 on: September 29, 2011, 05:42:13 AM »
The Rook Airforce would like to remind the AH community that it in no way shares the sentiments towards an uncapturable Tank Town.
And would like to insist that it is purely a base taking organisation.
That no base is safe from assimilation into the Rook Nation and resupply network, regardless of strategic importance and/or proximity to Tank Town.
The Rook Airforce would like to acknowlege that the taking of a base within Rook Occupied Territory will result in a response that will strike down upon those with great vengeance and with furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy Rook Nation Territories and Infrastructure within.
Although every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that the information contained in this post was accurate at the time of publication, the Rook Airforce does not warrant its accuracy and disclaims any liability to any third party anywhere in the world (except for death or personal injury arising from the negligence of the Rook Airforce) for any injury, damage, direct or indirect loss, consequential or economic loss or any other loss suffered as a result of the use or reliance upon the information contained in this post to the maximum extent permitted by law. This disclaimer shall be interpreted in accordance with Rook Nation law.
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