Because there wasn't a Luftwaffe plane ever built that could out perform the best Allied planes.
sorry akak but its pure lying
lets see the rides:
109F/190A: best aircrafts in 1941-42
262... uhm... it was a real PoS, totally uncompetitive in '44
lets see the names:
Erich Hartmann 352 WWII Germany
Gerhard Barkhorn 301 WWII Germany
Guenther Rall 275 WWII Germany
Otto Kittel 267 WWII Germany
Walter Nowotny 258(2) WWII Germany
Wilhelm Batz 237 WWII Germany
Erich Rudorffer 222(12) WWII Germany
Heinrich Baer 220(16) WWII Germany
Hermann Graf 212 WWII Germany
Heinrich Ehrler 209(5, 220?) WWII Germany
Theodore Weissenburger 209(8, 252?) WWII Germany
Hans Philip 206 WWII Germany
Walter Schuck 206(8) WWII Germany
Anton Hafner 204 WWII Germany
Helmut Lipfert 203 WWII Germany
Walter Krupinski 197 WWII Germany
Anton Hackl 192 WWII Germany
Maximilian Stotz 189 WWII Germany
Joachim Brendel 189 WWII Germany
Joachim Kirschner 188 WWII Germany
Kurt Hans Friedrich Brandle 180 WWII Germany
Guenther Josten 178 WWII Germany
Johannes Steinhoff 176(6) WWII Germany
Ernst-Wilhelm Reinert 174 WWII Germany
Gunther Schack 174 WWII Germany
Heinz "Johnny" Schmidt 173 WWII Germany
Emil Lang 173 WWII Germany
Horst Adameit 166 WWII Germany
Wolf-Dietrich Wilke 162(161?) WWII Germany
Hans-Joachim Marseille 158 WWII Germany
Heinrich Sturm 158(157?) WWII Germany
Gerhard Thyben 157 WWII Germany
Hans Beiswenger 152 WWII Germany
Peter Duettmann 152 WWII Germany
Gordon Gollob 150 WWII Germany
Fritz Tegtmeier 146 WWII Germany
Albin Wolf 144(176?) WWII Germany
Kurt Tanzer 143 WWII Germany
Friedrich-Karl "Tutti" Mueller 140 WWII Germany
Karl Gratz 138 WWII Germany
Heinrich Setz 138 WWII Germany
Rudolf Trenkel 138 WWII Germany
Horst-Guenther von Fassong 137 WWII Germany
Herbert Ihlefeld 137(7 Spain) WWII Germany
Franz Schall 137(14) WWII Germany
Walter Wolfrum 137 WWII Germany
Adolf Dickfeld 136 WWII Germany
Otto Foennekold 136 WWII Germany
Karl-Heinz Weber 136 WWII Germany
Joachim Muencheberg 135 WWII Germany
Hans Waldmann 134(2) WWII Germany
Alfred Grislawski 133 WWII Germany
Walter Oesau 133(8 Spain) WWII Germany
Johannes Weise 133(208?) WWII Germany
Adolf Borchers 132 WWII Germany
Erwin Clausen 132 WWII Germany
Wilhelm Lemke 131 WWII Germany
Heinrich "Bazi" Sterr 130 WWII Germany
Franz Eisenach 129 WWII Germany
Walter Dahl 128 WWII Germany
Franz Doerr 128 WWII Germany
Friedrich Obleser 127 WWII Germany
Rudolf Rademacher 126(8) WWII Germany
Josef "Jupp" Zwernemann 126 WWII Germany
Gerhard Hoffman 125 WWII Germany
Dietrich Hrabak 125 WWII Germany
Wolf-Udo Ettel 124 WWII Germany
Wolfgang Tonne 122 WWII Germany
Heinz Marquardt 121 WWII Germany
Heinz-Wolfgang Schnaufer 121(night) WWII Germany
Robert Weiss 121 WWII Germany
Erich Leie 118 WWII Germany
Guenther Luetzow 113(5 Spain) WWII Germany
Reinhard Seiler 118(9 Spain) WWII Germany
Hans Beerenbrock 117 WWII Germany
Hans-Joachim Birkner 117(Hartmann) WWII Germany
Jakob Norz 117 WWII Germany
Heinz "Piepl" Wernicke 117 WWII Germany
August Lambert 116 WWII Germany
Werner Moelders 115(14 Spain) WWII Germany
Wilhelm Crinius 114 WWII Germany
Werner Schroer 114 WWII Germany
Hans Dammers 113 WWII Germany
Berthold Korts 113 WWII Germany
Kurt Buhlingen 112 WWII Germany
Helmut Lent 110(102 night) WWII Germany
Kurt Ubben 110 WWII Germany
Franz Woidich 110 WWII Germany
Emil Bitsch 108 WWII Germany
Hans "Assi" Hahn 108 WWII Germany
Bernard Vechtel 108 WWII Germany
Viktor Bauer 106 WWII Germany
Werner Lucas 106 WWII Germany
Adolf Galland 104(7) WWII Germany
Heinz Sachsenberg 104 WWII Germany
Hartmann Grasser 103 WWII Germany
Seigfried Freytag 102 WWII Germany
Friedrich Geisshardt 102 WWII Germany
Egon Mayer 102 WWII Germany
Max-Hellmuth Ostermann 102 WWII Germany
Josef Wurmheller 102 WWII Germany
Herbert Rollwage 102 WWII Germany
Rudolf Miethig 101 WWII Germany
Rudolf Mueller 101 WWII Germany
Josef "Pips" Priller 101 WWII Germany
Ulrich Wernitz 101 WWII Germany
Paul-Heinrich Daehne 100 WWII Germany
Dezso Szentgyorgyi 34 WWII Hungary
Gyorgy Debrody 26 WWII Hungary
James E. Johnson 36.91(38?) WWII UK
Brendon E. Finucane 32 WWII UK(Irish)
Robert Braham 29 WWII UK
There we go.