This might interest some of the Arena guys...
This is great little color picker tool that lets grab colors and displays and allows you to copy the Long, HEX and RGB formats of the color you have chosen. It has a pick from screen so you can grab a color from anywhere or any other non modal application
You can also type in Long HEX and RGB if you want and it will translate it to the other formats for you...has a fly out pallet
I have been using this for map making and graphics for years now...
There is no dependencies and has the foot print of baby when running
Note: when in the game setting up colors, Aces High accepts the RGB format, however the VAR file stores the values in the Long format...that is one of the reasons this tool is so it can walk them back and forth and allows direct editing of the VAR and method to see what the Long Color Value looks like if you lift and paste the Long Value from the VAR to this picker