what really cracks (i mean that as in i think it's funny, just in case) me up about this whole thing, is that it was a misunderstanding by irishone and bunnies about what i said which ended on this other thread when i explained to them what i mean.
fair enough 
you can read the thread and understand it all. that it was about nothing, just a simple misunderstanding by bunnies and irishone, not a big deal. where bunnies acknowledged and accepted my salute. but I thought bunnies statement was funny as hell, meant nothing by it and added it to my signature. it was just a joke not as a you are wrong/i am right thing, but more as I think it's funny as hell.
but grizz being a muppet couldnt let it go. had to post this thread and try to make it into something else. but of course being a muppet means never being wrong or misunderstood, it has to go on an on trying to find or include things that were never said or even implied by me.
and this thread will go on as muppets being muppets will always try to make something out of nothing specially when they are wrong.
grizz i respect you, not based on your postings in the bb as it only shows that you are a dick and a bully not for just trying to imply something I never said when you know that english is not my first language but for continuing even when you already know all the facts and still insisting that muppets cannot be wrong at all.
why i never mentioned more names including more muppets is because when you post something on 200 you dont have time to sit and think about it for minutes, there's only a few seconds before you have to press enter.

and have a nice evening.