Thanks for all the comments guys
much appreciated. Tigger's advice about lowering the sensitivity of the Roll axis helped a bit with keeping me in the right place with while going inverted + checking 6, but mostly I just needed some more stick time with it.
The most helpful thing last night was flying about an hour and a half of duels with a squaddie, while we chatted constantly about life, the universe and everything
I was concentrating so much on trying to beat him, and on what we were talking about, that my hind-brain or subconscious or whatever completely took over when it came to the views.
Gman, as clerick has said there is a button to pause the TrackIR whenever you want, and also one to re-centre the view after you've wobbled it around ;D I think you'll find though, that even in knife fights you will prefer to use the TrackIR and enjoy having the option to bind a bunch of other things to your hat switches
oh, and all your friends will be totally jealous of your awesome headgear with the Trackclip pro