So he flies away with damaged oil? Not good enough for me.
he flies away with an oil leak because before you slammed into him you shot a hole in his oil line, it had nothing to do with a collision because from his computer there was none. Your computer detected the collision, so you go down.
I know its not perfect but if you read it again grizz I explain that I think the at fault plane detects the collision the majority of the time, based on the collisions I have seen in game. So a minority of the time I get screwed, majority I'm happy.
There is NO FAULT in volved in the equation. It is simply the detection on each computer.
Your on the runway and your engine is starting. As you do a quick glance around you see an LA diving on you. BANG! your in the tower and the system message says you have collided, and a second one that says so and so has killed you. Mean while, an LA driver from the other side of the world is vulching a field and see a plane spawn in and start his engine. He dives in and at 300 out starts firer and pulls out at the last second just missing the plane on the runway. As he starts his zoom up, he sees a system message you killed Hopper, and another saying Hopper collided with you.
It's not your fault, because you were just sitting on the runway, but your computer detected a collision so you die.
It's not his fault as all he did was shoot you up and ALMOST run into you.
If the the tables were turned and things were set like you want them, would you be happy to have your LA blow up on your zoom out and you end up in the tower?