Author Topic: January 2012 Aces High eXtreme Racing League (AHXARL)  (Read 509 times)

Offline shegotya

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January 2012 Aces High eXtreme Racing League (AHXARL)
« on: December 29, 2011, 05:09:29 PM »
January 2012 AHXARL Schedule
All races start 10:00 PM Eastern and 7:00 PM Pacific
This Day in History taken from

Season 25 Race 8 Tuesday 03 January, 2012 Scheduled Host is KAZ.

Over Germany... 03 January, 1944, In an air raid on Berlin, the RAF loses 27 Lancaster bombers out of the 383 aircraft committed, plus 168 crew members. The damage to the German capital is negligible. This Day in History taken from

Season 25 Race 09 Tuesday 10 January, 2012 Scheduled Host is spammer

On the Western Front... 10 January, 1945, In the Ardennes, American forces are engaged near Laroche. The British 30th Corps is advancing on the town from the west, capturing Bure and Samree. German forces are withdrawing, in good order, from the western tip of the salient. St. Hubert, 15 miles west of Bastogne, has been evacuated by the Germans under pressure from Allied forces. This Day in History taken from

Season 25 Race 10 Tuesday 17 January, 2012 Scheduled Host is HB555

In London... 17 January, 1945, Empire forces war casualty statistics are published which report a total of 1,043,554 casualties of all ranks up to November 30, 1944. These include 282,000 dead and 80,000 missing. This Day in History taken from

Season 25 Race 11 Tuesday 24 January, 2012 Scheduled Host is BMathis

On the Eastern Front... 24 January, 1945, Soviets forces reach the estuary of the Vistula, southwest of Elbing. Soviet troops of the 1st Ukrainian Front are attacking near Breslau (about 4 miles to the southeast) and Oppeln, the capital of German Upper Silesia, on the Oder River. They take Gleiwitz. New Soviet attacks are launched in Czechoslovakia.
From Berlin... SS leader Himmler is appointed by Hitler to lead the new Army Group Vistula, being formed to oppose the Soviet advance toward Berlin. Himmler has no experience, nor has he demonstrated any aptitude for operational command and his appointment is widely viewed as an insult to the German Army and General Staff. This Day in History taken from

Season 25 Race 12 Tuesday 31 January, 2012 Scheduled Host is RDRTrash. This is the last points race of the season and the following Tuesday will be the Season 25 Finale. The first of four Finales, on the way to the 7th 68KO Cup.

In the Marshall Islands... 31 January, 1944, American landings begin on the islands of Kwajalein Atoll. Admiral Spruance is in overall command and General Holland Smith commands the various landing forces. Elements of US 4th Marine Division (Smith) land on Roi, Namur and nearby islets. Task Force 53 (Admiral Connolly) provides transport and naval support, including battleships and escort carriers. The landing on Roi makes rapid progress. On Namur there is heavy Japanese resistance. Meanwhile, there are also landings on Majuro Atoll by the US 27th Infantry Regiment. Admiral Hill's task force provides naval support. The Majuro Atoll is captured quickly and is immediately prepared to become a base for American forces. Also, the carriers of Task Force 58 (Admiral Mitscher) continue attacks on Eniwetok and Maleolap. This Day in History taken from

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« Last Edit: December 29, 2011, 05:38:12 PM by shegotya »