Straight from the Secretary of IMF.
Good morning Agent Waystin. Your mission should you choose to accept it. Intelligence has ascertained that a world wide conflict has erupted in the European, African, and Asian theaters of operations. Variuos nations has been implementing 70 year old weapons of destruction utilizing propellor winged aircraft and basic armored vehicles.
You are ordered to recruit opeatives specializing in haphazard flying, high level bombing, and high speed driving. You are directed to form a special operational force of 7 to 10 members or 11 to 15 members and infiltrate this battle of the ages.
Your contact will be a combatant code-named Warloc (in-person) or Squire (via smoke signals). Intelligence believes he might suffer from a split personality by being referred to by many names.
Make preperations and be ready for operational status at beginning of March 2012.
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