Author Topic: This is a warning...  (Read 779 times)

Offline RAM

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This is a warning...
« on: February 21, 2000, 09:41:00 PM »
To all knits. I fly with them because my squad is knit, and now that Im in a definitive country I'll never change it again unless my team does so.

Tonite...4.28 Am now for me, I was rtb-ing after a fun mission with Ripsnort and Glasses. In the rtb I was surrounded by one niki and 2 spits all with more E than my 190. Rip was long rtb ,and Glasses was bingo fuel and ammo. So I did my best and managed to go away with a leak in the fuel,an elevator and aileron I was running I saw a big low-level furball in wich 8 knit planes were pursuing a lone rook P-51. I asked for help and nothing. One Spit was still in my six so I went into the middle of the furball to see If I could lose them. Nope. I had no chance of yell more help calls because I was so busy tryng to evade the spit. and he downed me (BTW nice one Nepo..good running   <S> ).

Well people. 8!!! EIGHT planes vs a poor P51 and a spit on the six of an enemy plane. I know someone tried to engage the Spit, but at least 5 FIVE!!! ,and very possibly 6 SIX!!!planes were still after the 51. IF i am in that situation I let the p51 and help my countrymate. But noooo you all wanted the 51,not my life.

Thats ok I told it in the country channel and someone answered me "well,join a squad".

I am yet in a great squad...JG-2,SO...I think Im well known because I ALWAYS give 6 calls. I ALWAYS try to help countrymen even if damaged (yep or no,kirin?   ) pushing aside any other things I have in hands unless its a potencial threat (example:Im the only one trying to catch that sneaky 205)...and the answer I get is; "join a squad"

ok,you got it...with EXCEPTIONS...(Kirin,AkWabbit,new people...) I WONT USE ANYMORE THE COUNTRY CHANNEL...I'll restrict the use of radio ONLY for my teammates and general (1) channel. this isn't the first time this happens to me but for sure it means the LAST time I give a 6 call or try to help anyone out from my squad with the exceptions I made.

Now you'll tell that your six is your responsability blah blah blah...ok. It is ,so care yourselves. Iwont help anymore.

For the Jg-2. Excuse me my log off. I couldn't stay in such an angry way I would have been a black dot on the fun. thanks for a GREAT funny mission...sad the end.  

For the knits...if I don't change country is only for the respect my teammates have won on me. If not you'd be with one less people now.
And we still ask ourselves why are us so few knits,and the rooks and bishes are so many...damn its NORMAL...  

Ram, out


[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 02-21-2000).]

Offline Rocket

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« Reply #1 on: February 21, 2000, 10:05:00 PM »
  Wish I had been there.  6 ppl chasing 1 plane is always a lose lose situation.  I Always go out of my way for the team.  I have had to log more than once for the same type situation.  Anytime ya need a hand hollar and if I can I will try to be there. (tho sometimes I make it a few secs late   )  
   Good Hunting RAM S!


The Red Dragons
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Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #2 on: February 21, 2000, 10:13:00 PM »
Hunh. Only time I see bishops doin that is when they are chasin after rook women (and sheep) right after we take one of their fields. Impossible to distract 'em then  

JG2; come to Bishland.   We do manage to catch lots of rook women (and sheep) and when we get done chasin them around the tower a few times and get back to flyin; well, we DO clear sixes here.  

Besides.. the knits don't want yah. Obviously, they have no taste in whats worth chasin.. sheesh. We kill spits FIRST. Rook Mustangs love to lead parades.. and sheep-addled knits just love followin 'em. Give up the parade followers and be a Bish squad!

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Offline Glasses

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« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2000, 10:28:00 PM »
Sorry Ram even though I was Bingo I tried to engage the spit the best I could trying to manuver against the nimble plane, in a 190 is hard thing to do .I did get a few shots  off and hit him but with 13mm gun (like pellets then was distracted by another spit who jumped in and got confused by  that one and engaged the wrong one shotting him down then when I looked around saw u going down unfortunetly in flames.

Sorry Ram ,hope to see you up soon bud.

Hasta Luego

Offline bloom25

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« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2000, 11:16:00 PM »
I logged on to see just the aftermath of this.  I assure you, if I'd have been there, I would have called your 6 and tried my best to help you.  (I probably get 30% of my kills clearing a teammates 6, the bogey just gets so fixated on the target they are usually pretty easy to get.)  I'm sorry this happened to you, but I can assure you, that's not normal in my experience.  It was probably just an unfortunate 1 time occurance.  ( I sure hope so.   )



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« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2000, 11:57:00 PM »
   Your the banger, or the bangee. Skill,s got very little to do with it.

Offline Hangtime

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« Reply #6 on: February 22, 2000, 12:25:00 AM »
mmmmmmuuuupph... (hang spits beer on keyboard)


Well; thats news ta me.. and the guys that have suddenly stopped bein the banger; and caught some lead from what was THE bangee a moment before.. THATS where the skill bit comes in  

Which in now way detracts from poor RAMS plight. He wuz marooned in a sea of friendlies.. and got no help. No skill evident there either.  

Hate it when that happens. Truth be told; we've seen it before. Sorry fer my ill concieved remarks previous.

It happens RAM. not often.. but it does happen.  

The price of Freedom is the willingness to do sudden battle, anywhere, any time and with utter recklessness... home, or abroad.

Offline Kirin

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« Reply #7 on: February 22, 2000, 01:35:00 AM »
Heya Ram,

Sure it is annoying to see a half dozen planes chase a single one, I met such situations a few times - reasoning the chasers never brought me success so I leave it now. On the other hand it's quite funny to be the chased plane... hehehe, gives you the feel of importance.   BTW, great rescue in the canyons last night. Thanks again, without ya my 109 sure would had some spit-made air conditioning.

As for changing countries: I went for Knight-Land just because of the numbers. It's true, most of the time rook have great cooperation, and there are always some good mission on. It hurt me to leave some good chaps behind in Rook-Land, we always had good fun on the RW channel - but the Rook just got overcrowded recently. Teamwork is fine, but I don't like to be 1 or 20 others to depart for a single target. You start to see trains of Rook chasing single enemies. I didn't see many coordinated operations with knights though, maybe because I am quite new to them. It seems that there are some good pilots and squads with the Knights, but they usually do their own thing. What would help a lot would be a Knight RW base channel - like the Rook used to have. You automatically go on base channel when you log in - tadaa teamwork developes.

But if more people start to leave Knights for Rooks or Bishis we really might consider a 2 sided war. As much I do love some challenge - being outnumbered by 2 fractions at least twice you numbers really limits your options.

Hey RAM, let's do some winging next time and cover each other. I try to help my countrymen whenever I can - getting me in bad situations everytime I do...   and I don't hesitate to call help if I need it (and I have the time to call it). I call 6 when I think my mate is unaware of the bandit and I have the time to do it - I'm really having a bad time flying and typing at the same time - we need ingame vox soon!! So RAM, give Knights a chance or this side will be obsolete soon.

Kirin out
Real men fly Radial!

Offline RAM

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« Reply #8 on: February 22, 2000, 06:58:00 AM »
Greetings again:

To Glasses: Hey this wasn't for were bingo fuel and cannon returned to help me that says A LOT about you. I dont care you couldnt save me ,the fact is still there. Thanks a lot again! <S>. As I told you, not ur fault.

To Bloom25: Nope, isn't by far the first time, its the thousand one that happens to me, but this time has been the worse. To see all that crowd after the P51 and me trying to stay alive was the breaking point to me. I'm Tired of pčople that dont help me after they see I always lose my butt to save theirs. No way this will continue. But thks for the post. I see there are still decent people out there. Thks also.

For TT and Hangtime: dont speak me about Skill. I had 2 spits and a niki over me I was much lower on E (slower and lower) than them in an inferior plane. I still recall Glasses' yell "get outta there" and I answered "I cant". Simply I couldnt. Still I faced 2 attacks,grabbed some alt while doing and MANAGED to dive-escape from 2 of the  3 planes. AND if my countrymen had been GOOD people, I should have rtb. I'll ask you to be in the same situation with the same plane the same enemies, the same countrymen.and manage a RTB. Try it, and you'll see I did my best and I was nearly saved, and all without, or with very limited help (thks again Glasses).

Kirin: yup me being a knit was much conditioned my the low nombers of them online. When I logged in I tried the rooks,then knits, then bishes and when I saw all there I made the decision to join the knits because There in knitland were Swager and Ripsnort with who I had enjoyed one of their LW missions, but also because I saw that they always were the fewest people and I like the hard way to learn flying. (my first AH plane was F4U1-D, then the C then the Fw190 and now I go also a lot on 109G-10...spits only for base defence...Mustangs?...what are mustangs? lol)

But said that I'll repeat that Im only in knitland because Rip, Swager, Weazel, Glasses, DoctorYo...and all the rest of teammates, with ten times my skill and 1000 times my pacience. So I'm not knit anymore. I'm JG-2...and stay loyal to the squads country, but not all the countrymen.

And yup I enjoyed a lot being Ripsnort's wingman (but I still have to learn to keep formation hehehe), and I'll be also Glasses' soon   . I'd love to wing with ya, kirin. But until now I expected help from anyone nop only from my leaders/wingman/squadmates. But I see I wont have it. They wont have mine also,thats what I wanted to make clear.

Ram, out


[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 02-22-2000).]

Offline RAM

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« Reply #9 on: February 22, 2000, 07:04:00 AM »
And to give the last words, about the 3-country sistem I think is workable,and that it works. I dont minde being in the low numbers' country, but I do being in the No-help-land.

Ram, out

[This message has been edited by RAM (edited 02-22-2000).]

Offline Swager

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« Reply #10 on: February 22, 2000, 07:10:00 AM »

Got to tell ya.  Knightland wasn't always like that.  Things have changed. I'm sure there are still many knights that would of helped.

I would of jumped in the middle of your problem.

Be proud RAM, ya did one hell of a job against the odds. So don't be mad, be glad on the way you flew!!  

JG2 needs you in good spirits!  Cool!  

PS:  I believe Hang was talkin about lack of skill of the knight pilots who left ya hangin!!

JG2 "Richthofen"

"My Brother-In-Law used to work for the
telephone company"

Pilot Office Christopher Hart III
Hornet Squadron, France, May 1940
From Novel "A Piece Of Cake"

[This message has been edited by Swager (edited 02-22-2000).]
Rock:  Ya see that Ensign, lighting the cigarette?
Powell: Yes Rock.
Rock: Well that's where I got it, he's my son.
Powell: Really Rock, well I'd like to meet him.
Rock:  No ya wouldn't.

Offline Kieren

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« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2000, 07:54:00 AM »

S! for seeing what is/was an obvious problem. Most nights I log in to see 70-80 people on, half of them Rook. Not always that way, but usually so.  

3-side war only works if we use all 3 sides.

I am bouncing around all the countries right now- kind of feel like I should get to know everyone a little better (helps me out). I've been Bishop for a few days now, had been Knight before, suppose Rooks are next. Nothing against the Rooks, just hate to make it 41:20:19.  

RAM, you see the same thing everywhere. Chances are 5 of those 6 guys are new, and looking for there first kill. It is doubtful they even saw you, much less read the radio buffer at the time. I wouldn't condemn a whole country based on the actions of a few individuals. As we well know, every side has its volatile people.  

Knights are individuals, I find. They also have some very good pilots. One thing is for sure, you never have to look far for the fight as a Knight!  

Offline Saintaw

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« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2000, 08:04:00 AM »
RAM, I beleive this hasn't got anything to do with countries...Bee and I switched to Rooks for a couple of nights this week end, because we were both disgusted about the Bishop org on thursday night...

It's just like flipping a coin, some days you have it, some days you don't...but it's true that it's verry frustrating once it happens...

186th  Wardogs (Falcon4 Squad)
"Firepower Mate, that is what separates the men from the boys..."

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Dirty, nasty furriner.

Offline RAM

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« Reply #13 on: February 22, 2000, 08:10:00 AM »
Nope, kieren...I wont tell names but between those in the furball i see many that connect all days...
After watching the film I can tell u that the only one non squadmate who tried to help me was Bourbon. <S> guy and thank you VERY much. Also thks to Glasses and to SourKraut who also tried to get into the spit's 6...thanks a lot for helping.

Ram, out

JG2 "Richthofen"


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Offline Ripsnort

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« Reply #14 on: February 22, 2000, 08:17:00 AM »
Hangtime : ROTFLOL!

RAM: Work thru it, I've been let down so many times over the last 10-11 years from AW to AH that it's not even funny anymore, but you know what?  You actually will acquire better flying skills by preventing situations like the one you ended up in,you're already a damn good pilot for someone using a Flight Yoke to fly with ( thinks you'll like P-38, it had a flight yoke!)...Unfortunately, the situation last night was simply bad timing on that last sortie you spoke of....some nights are better than others, I wouldn't let it get to you, if you do, you'll find yourself disgusted with on-line flight sims pretty fast!

Salute, RAM, and keep being aggresive, and avoid those 'type' of situations....peace Bro!

Brian "Ripsnort" Nelson
++JG2++ ~Richthofen~ XO
(Formerly VF-101 Grim Reapers~Rip1~Warbirds~)
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