the ability to limit the numbers of a particular plane or gv model IE setting for 25 bf109k4's. once that number is reached(players with that particular plane), whether available at a base or not, it automatically becomes disabled and they have to chose a lower or different model.
would be mostly for the FSO, special events, custom arena's, and the AVA.
-custom arena the creator can just tell everybody the limit anybody that doesnt comply can get kicked out.
-ava you would have to set the limit to like 2 otherwise is unlimited planeset. not many people play there, unless somebody has a squad night.
-fso last time I was there squads were assigned which airplane to fly. and squads would select the available airplane. anybody that doesnt comply gets kicked out.
-special events already has a limit when the event is created. you must up a preselected plane if you want participate. or you get kicked out.
so pretty much your wish is already granted. gonna wait till the morning for skuzzy to give his "wish granted" dance.
however even though you dont come out and say it, i believe your wish is geared towards the ma, and that aint gonna happen.