Author Topic: Auto-die with mission Auto-start; enemy guns on field?!  (Read 1094 times)

Offline SpinDoc1

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Auto-die with mission Auto-start; enemy guns on field?!
« on: January 21, 2012, 09:43:09 AM »
Hello all,

I'm back to Aces High after a six-year hiatus!  I am trying out the new missions that several folks here have created.  After visiting: and downloading many different terrains and missions, I tried it out this morning.  Things load up fine and I go through the mission briefing, but as soon as the mission starts the field starts shooting at me.  I of course blow up shortly thereafter.  I checked the map, and I'm launching from a 'green' field, but this is boggling my mind.

The missions I tried to run were the "PacMix01" and "SolomonMelee" on the Solomon Islands terrain.  No luck with switching fields, switching sides, etc.  Any one else having these problems?
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Offline bbosen

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Re: Auto-die with mission Auto-start; enemy guns on field?!
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2012, 04:06:06 PM »

I'll be glad to offer help. As a general rule, you also need to change "Field Ownership", or else you may find that the bad guys own the takeoff field and will fire on you as you describe. Since my missions are always based on combat between Knights and Bishops only (I never use Rooks), here's a general rule:

If you are taking off as a Bishop and the ground gunners are firing at you, change the ownership of that field to Knight.

Conversely (of course), if you are taking off as a Knight and the ground gunners are firing at you, change the ownership of that field to Bishop.

This is done from the clipboard "Options", under "Arena Settings", I think.... The interface is fairly intuitive and you shouldn't find it difficult. Once this change is done, it will be permanently remembered until explicitly changed.

I thought I had made that clear in the various mission download pages, but I observe that I forgot to do so for PacMix01. Sorry about that. I'll enhance it for the benefit of others. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!

« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 04:07:51 PM by bbosen »

Offline SpinDoc1

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Re: Auto-die with mission Auto-start; enemy guns on field?!
« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2012, 08:02:37 PM »
Thanks so much for the reply!  I'm a newbie at missions; just returning to Aces High from a 6-yr hiatus.  Before I decide on my subscription status, I figured I would try a couple of the missions first.  Also, need to get used to the ol' rides before trying a main arena.

So, I investigated the field options, and I made sure to make me a Bishop and ensure the field I'm launching from (A1) is a Bishop owned field.  I found the settings you mentioned, and played around with them.  Still no joy, the guns attack me as soon as I attempt to launch.  Wonder what else I can do try and get it to work?
« Last Edit: January 22, 2012, 08:12:48 PM by SpinDoc1 »
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Offline bbosen

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Re: Auto-die with mission Auto-start; enemy guns on field?!
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2012, 08:10:30 AM »

Something is wrong, that's for sure.

I don't know why your experience is different from others. But here's an idea: You could just diminish the lethality of the ground gunners to the point where their fire would be completely harmless.  Try this sequence of clicks from the clipboard:

Options -> Arena Setup  ->  Environment  ->  Arena Settings  ->  Weapons Tab:

Set "Ground Autolethality" for all 3 countries to a very low setting like 0.001

....And I just re-read your posting and noticed an additional detail. If you are attempting my "PacMix01" mission, then field A1 should be KNIGHTS and field A2 should be BISHOPS. I usually fly as an American, and when the mission is operating properly as designed, that launches me from field A2 as a Bishop. If you fly for the Japanese you should be launched as a KNIGHT from A1. Is that what is happening for you?

I hope this helps!
« Last Edit: January 23, 2012, 08:16:29 AM by bbosen »

Offline SpinDoc1

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Re: Auto-die with mission Auto-start; enemy guns on field?!
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2012, 10:34:52 PM »
....And I just re-read your posting and noticed an additional detail. If you are attempting my "PacMix01" mission, then field A1 should be KNIGHTS and field A2 should be BISHOPS. I usually fly as an American, and when the mission is operating properly as designed, that launches me from field A2 as a Bishop. If you fly for the Japanese you should be launched as a KNIGHT from A1. Is that what is happening for you?

I hope this helps!

That did the trick, not quite sure how it got that way, but all is well now!  Thanks for the help.
Spin Doc's Aces High VR Video channel!

Offline bbosen

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Re: Auto-die with mission Auto-start; enemy guns on field?!
« Reply #5 on: January 25, 2012, 08:26:23 AM »
OK. I'm happy to know that the mission is working now. If you have trouble with any others, just let me know and I'll try to help further. I hope this exposure allows you to evalute Aces High, and maybe we'll see you in the online community!

Offline SpinDoc1

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Re: Auto-die with mission Auto-start; enemy guns on field?!
« Reply #6 on: January 29, 2012, 02:19:27 PM »
OK. I'm happy to know that the mission is working now. If you have trouble with any others, just let me know and I'll try to help further. I hope this exposure allows you to evalute Aces High, and maybe we'll see you in the online community!

Hehe, I've evaluated plenty (having played from 2001 - 2006), but I have not decided if I have enough time or not.  Home improvement projects have dominated nearly all my free time lately.  Hope to see you all online soon as well!
Spin Doc's Aces High VR Video channel!

Offline bbosen

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Re: Auto-die with mission Auto-start; enemy guns on field?!
« Reply #7 on: January 29, 2012, 02:23:26 PM »
Oh yeah! I can certainly relate to that. My last "Home Improvement" project lasted 2 months full-time. I decided to unsubscribe during that time, and I re-subscribed after that. For the curious, you can see what I did here:

....After all that, I NEEDED Aces High again!