How would this work in a game that gives you everything at a basic subscription rate that you need to be competitive in a free for all arena of 400-600 players? No newbie could be reasonably expected to get past the initial learning curve of the game if they were buying bits and peices of the game while being fodder to the full subscription players. Or is this aleviated by the suggestion to let advertisers subsidise subscriptions? Wonder how femenin hygene adds would be handeled?
Partial tool sets would create a scewed reality of the game and directly contribute to frustrated leaving of the game rather than encouraging a player to fully subscribe. How would the partial subscriber take part in missons or special arena scenarios? How would they even survive furball lake enough to not think it was designed to descriminate against partial subscribers? The free two week trial gives them a full temporary subscription with access to all of the available tools to check out the potential.
Or did you forget to ask for a Newbie only training wheel arena with relaxed realism, no Ho's, no blackouts and bright red or green dots as your tracers? And the terrain tiles could be advertiser billboards tiled to the horizon and up the mountains sides with indestructable drones towing animated advertisments over head at every arifeild. And every 15 minutes on country channel VOX advertisements would loop through their jingles. I can just hear the Trojan Man song then a Colt 45 Malt addvertisment along with some feminin hygene spots. Then to finish the loop a Christian Public Service announcement for mental health services.
Heck most of us drink beer and fly from what I can tell over the years. What if all the major beer brands competed for VOX loop spots and animated tiles like competing for super bowl spots? Then we all could play mostly for free and really need some mental health services for our growing beer drinking problems. But the revenue it would generate from hundreds of beer drinking players.....
Guess that would be like advertising to a tiny rural town in the wheat belt with a single stop-N-go near by on the interstate exit. Heck beer sells itself or the beer belly and the Betty Ford center wouldn't exist.