And the Saitek Combat Pedals, which are far FAR superior in terms of workmanship and materials, are 75$ more, like I just said. just comes down to personal preference. I have 3 types of pedals myself set up between 2 different gaming rigs at the moment, and I'll soon have the SIMPED F16USB's in my hands. I'll likely put the CH USB pedals back in their box and keep the saitek's and simped's out. Nothing wrong with the CH pedals, don't get me wrong, I've had the same non - USB set since CH sent me a free set when I was editor back at which is 11 years now I think, and I've never had any trouble from them right up until the USB ones came out and I boxed them. But for a little more money you can get a far better set that are wider, smoother, and made from a lot more metal parts (saitek combats).
Choose any, and I think you'll be happy.
I did notice one thing the OP said, maybe I misunderstood, but you said the pedals were for DCS offline type stuff, and your x52 was for Aces High. Did you mean to say you aren't going to use the pedals in Aces? If so, you should at least give it a whirl, you'll find that once you get used to them the are far more precise than a twisty or finger rocker type of rudder control. To each their own I say, but if you get the saitek combat's, at least try it in Aces, I bet the cost of the pedals you'll be using them in Aces instead of the x52 twisty.