Author Topic: Anyone have access to a Stencil/ labeled tape maker?  (Read 137 times)

Offline flight17

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Anyone have access to a Stencil/ labeled tape maker?
« on: March 07, 2012, 06:40:27 PM »
Does anyone have or have access to a 1/2in Stencil maker? any type of stencil will work, but it really only needs to be a cheap paper one with an adhesive backing. We have are own rotary stencil makers, but we only have 1in and 1/4in sizes. The 1in is way to big to fit everything we need and the 1/4in is way to small to be read at any distance further than 1ft away. to get a new 1/2in stencil maker would cost $1900 and there is only one available on Ebay for $200 and it might not even work...

Our C-123K is in for annual and we have been making some cosmetic upgrades to it. One of the things I'm doing is painting the wall up by the front door. However, we have some old labels such as "Portable Oxygen Recharge Hose" and three others for Emergency Gear lowering procedures that were all on florescent tape. The tape was one time use and is barely readable today.

When we paint the wall, we probably are going to just paint the words onto the wall directly unless we find a place to make the labeled tape we need.

Does anyone know of a company that does this sort of thing? I was looking and found some, but they all were geared towards commercial labels for products or wanted $50 a stencil.
« Last Edit: March 07, 2012, 06:44:32 PM by flight17 »
119th Riffle Tank Regiment leader -Red Storm Krupp Steel Scenario

Active Member of Air Heritage Inc.