Author Topic: OLD Scrap sounds...some i still use  (Read 3901 times)

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Re: OLD Scrap sounds...some i still use
« Reply #15 on: March 29, 2012, 01:34:47 PM »
i bet he didnt ask the author to use them.

Is this an assumtion?  Or can you provide factual data?
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Re: OLD Scrap sounds...some i still use
« Reply #16 on: March 29, 2012, 04:21:40 PM »
I've used a couple of different free audio recorder/ editors in the past. Anyone can take just about any sound and turn it into a gun sound because it's so small. Adding on extras like a casing or recoil sounds takes time to find and come from the oddest places.

I made a P51 landing gear sound that took hours and hours to make trying to get the right sound desired while being timed to the actual game action. The sounds i used came from electric windows rolling up,  factory machines of different sorts, doors closing, lazers firing and a few others i can't remember.
The editing tools allow you to manipulate the original sounds into what ever you want them to sound like. Cut, Paste or mix paste,... Edit the time, pitch or volume then Listen carefully while trying to match it to an action in an AH video.

I did the same for my tank guns firing, turrets turning, rockets shooting, bombs falling, plane scraping, debris hitting, Bullet Hit #4, 5 and 6 ect. All of my explodes I manipulated except one or two and never made a decent Engine sound........ but did have success with a couple of them starting and timing the smoke.

It's all very time consuming and some of those sounds were other peoples. I took what they made and made it my own by adding, subtracting or injecting other files or manipulation .... I suspect all of us interested in sound for the game do it.

I have always made personal packs out of  other peoples packs by mixing and matching whatever I thought sounded best and putting them into my Sound folder.  I SEE NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT and don't care what other people do with whatever i have created for myself or the community.  I used to LOVE HEARING  a sound someone decided was good enough to bundle into their own and distribute among the community once sent. 

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Re: OLD Scrap sounds...some i still use
« Reply #17 on: March 29, 2012, 05:48:41 PM »
I have always made personal packs out of  other peoples packs by mixing and matching whatever I thought sounded best and putting them into my Sound folder.  I SEE NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT

That's what I've always recommended to people. :aok
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Re: OLD Scrap sounds...some i still use
« Reply #18 on: March 29, 2012, 07:29:42 PM »
olds442 all joking aside please leave my name out of your mouth
Dont compare ur work to mine please and if ur gonna use my sounds ask
when i started i did it
And please dont slander me
Further more dont "assume" you know anything of what i do

My mother always taught me if you dont have anything nice to say , dont say anything
so in closing
TB Out
TBs Sounds 
39th FS "Cobra In The Clouds"NOSEART

Offline olds442

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Re: OLD Scrap sounds...some i still use
« Reply #19 on: March 29, 2012, 07:45:00 PM »
olds442 all joking aside please leave my name out of your mouth
Dont compare ur work to mine please and if ur gonna use my sounds ask
when i started i did it
And please dont slander me
Further more dont "assume" you know anything of what i do

My mother always taught me if you dont have anything nice to say , dont say anything
so in closing
TB Out
TB, people asked for a example. i gave one. no one bashed on you when you used someone elses work and then changed it. I know you didn't just cut n paste the sound and you did work to it to make it sound better than just a youtube recording. I'm doing the same thing. all i want is for people to at least try my stuff BEFORE they say stuff. not just assume.
i will give you a example of the work i did for the 109 sound.
i started with sound from a CD i got that has historic plane engine sounds.
i added more bass to it. i put a whining sound for about 2 seconds to give the affect of the inertia starter. then cut some tid bits from the clip so it played right. bare in mind its only a 9 second clip. and a slight rattle sound (like the canopy shaking) when the engine first starts. and then amplified the clip some as notch filters can make it sound low.
for the engine sound i got a real life internal recording from youtube and tried to recreate it adding base, engine grinding and a humming sound that is at the level that is not to high not to low but just in the middle.
the engine off sound i did not do much of anything to, just a notch filter and a rattle sound.

took me about a hour and half for one plane.

ALL I ASK is that you at least try it when it comes out. I'm not asking for you to like it. I started this last summer and its still not even done yet. I'm not copy and pasting.
so when it comes out in about a week or so. or when i get feeling better i have pneumonia ATM
only a moron would use Dolby positioning in a game.
IGN: cutlass "shovels and rakes and implements of destruction"

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Re: OLD Scrap sounds...some i still use
« Reply #20 on: March 31, 2012, 12:02:16 PM »
can everyone just let this rest? the kid will deal with the copyright infringement and the lawsuit if he pulls it off we all know this...
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Offline olds442

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Re: OLD Scrap sounds...some i still use
« Reply #21 on: March 31, 2012, 01:20:28 PM »
can everyone just let this rest? the kid will deal with the copyright infringement and the lawsuit if he pulls it off we all know this...
LOL im sure the "im suing this kid becuase he stole my soundpack that is open he the general public with no copyright" wouldnt stand.
i guess we gotta sue the other sound pack makers because they stole stuff off of CD's, youtube, and other sorces. you cant just go into a audio editor and "make a new sound". you always need a sorce
only a moron would use Dolby positioning in a game.
IGN: cutlass "shovels and rakes and implements of destruction"

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Re: OLD Scrap sounds...some i still use
« Reply #22 on: March 31, 2012, 04:17:03 PM »
LOL im sure the "im suing this kid becuase he stole my soundpack that is open he the general public with no copyright" wouldnt stand.
i guess we gotta sue the other sound pack makers because they stole stuff off of CD's, youtube, and other sorces. you cant just go into a audio editor and "make a new sound". you always need a sorce
actually if it was copyrighted olds, yes... yes that would stand in a trial. on the other part if they did "steal" from such sources which they did not actually which i believe u may be confused at that point then yes that would also stand trial.
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Offline olds442

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Re: OLD Scrap sounds...some i still use
« Reply #23 on: March 31, 2012, 04:40:55 PM »
actually if it was copyrighted olds, yes... yes that would stand in a trial. on the other part if they did "steal" from such sources which they did not actually which i believe u may be confused at that point then yes that would also stand trial.
well if the sound makers gods would tell me. where did they get the sorce sound? im sure they did not message over 500 people.
only a moron would use Dolby positioning in a game.
IGN: cutlass "shovels and rakes and implements of destruction"

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Re: OLD Scrap sounds...some i still use
« Reply #24 on: March 31, 2012, 05:02:30 PM »
well if the sound makers gods would tell me. where did they get the sorce sound? im sure they did not message over 500 people.

Yes people do message over 500 people - because there's a fine line between copy write stealing and asking for permission to use it, even if the person "doesn't care" if you use the sound - you STILL explain where you got it from as a good faith.

I've been doing this for years, for example I did websites back in the early 2000s, I emailed  id Software to get permission to use old sound files from "Doom" to put on my flash websites - they had no problem with it. Under the "Contact information" I listed all the sources and places I got various things from, which 80% wasn't mine - you RARELY see this because most people are ignorant.

It takes 1 email to ask permission, if the person says Yes it takes 1 minute to write a "READ ME" file letting people KNOW where you got the sound from and who to thank.


Panther sound I did not make - I got permission from youtube person #1234 to use.

I know your young so let me explain in an easier format:

I wanted to rip the sound off this video from youtube:

I emailed the person asking permission if I could use it and (explained what I was using it for): to make an F4u startup with the most clean sound I could find available.

he had no problem since I wasn't selling it or re-posting it for money - I thanked him and told him I would mention his video in my file when or if I ever release it.

Simple? yes.
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Offline TwinBoom

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Re: OLD Scrap sounds...some i still use
« Reply #25 on: March 31, 2012, 05:46:37 PM »
edit not worth it
« Last Edit: March 31, 2012, 06:33:55 PM by TwinBoom »
TBs Sounds 
39th FS "Cobra In The Clouds"NOSEART

Offline Chalenge

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Re: OLD Scrap sounds...some i still use
« Reply #26 on: April 01, 2012, 01:06:52 AM »
Olds you can do what you are doing and never get into trouble as long as you dont try to post the sounds and distribute them to others. Recording someone elses work from movies or sound collections is a copyright violation. You can get many really good sounds that are in the public domain from the Library of Congress but you have to know how to search their database. Most of those are not good enough though as they are scratchy and noisey.

The easiest way to get really good clean sounds is to contact someone that has the airplane or vehicle you want to record and arrange to meet them on a day they are going to fly or drive or whatever. Of course you have to have equipment to do a proper recording. If you do that then make sure you have something that can prevent wind noise. Airfields and places like tankfest are all open ground areas and its always windy.

I recommend a video recorder or DSLR that can record HiDef video with sound along side of a digital recorder with an excellent shotgun microphone. That way if you need to you can sync up the better audio with the video. Also get a dead cat (mic muffler) for the mic. You could actually take something like an iPhone and a good digital recorder and mic and have all you need for less than $800 but the best recording devices (camera mic and recorder) could run much more. I use a Polaroid shotgun mic on a Sony Alpha SLT a35 and a Sennheiser Shotgun mic with a 6-channel digital recorder. The mic is the most expensive of everything and you should get two because if it gets wet it wont work. Humidity is something your always fighting when recording audio. You can even buy "L" brackets for the camera and there are little umbrellas you can use to keep rain off of your equipment if it looks like rain. Most of the better digital recorders mount on tripods just like cameras and so the same "L" brackets can be used to mate an umbrella there. I mount both mics on the camera using the hotspot and one "L" bracket mount and so both mics capture the same target. You have to test this setup though because the mics can interfere with each other and all you will have is noise.

Avoid crowd noise and have fun.
If you like the Sick Puppy Custom Sound Pack the please consider contributing for future updates by sending a months dues to Hitech Creations for account "Chalenge." Every little bit helps.