Personally I have no trouble with puffy ack and I have rarely been shot down by it.
I don't KNOW how it works in the game other than how Hitech explained it recently in a thread. Fester is very good telling stories. Once an idea blooms in his mind it become HIS reality in which he uses as the basis of his arguments. While entertaining, they are only accurate in his mind. Hitech has said that the ack will target the closest guy over 3k to the cv. I try to keep someone between me and the CV at all times and have no trouble. Once that person is shot down it's time to move out. Long swooping moves that continually change me alt and direction with out blowing much "E" until I find another guy that gets closer taking the ack from me.
Can the ack be made better? heck yes! I think buffs should be hit far more easily, bigger target, steady slower speed, less maneuvering so easier to target. All factors that logic says they should be the one targeted, but a fighter escort will go down long before the buffs will.