If I let my hair grow to my shoulders I look like any picture of Saint Nic but 50-75lbs lighter.
During December I can't walk anywhere without children and adults asking me what I'm bringing them for Christmass. If I cut my hair I look like an old skin head or biker with a long braidable beard without the greybar college tats. Standing in check out lines can make for some funny people watching of people staring at me. I love being carded by someone young enough to be my grand daughter when I buy alcohol.
Sir are you over 21??
No mam I'm 18. I went to a Rosey O'Donnel comedy night and she lifted her T-Shirt and mooned me. My Doctor say's it's hysterical whitness with temporary blindness. I'm just now able to see again. Want to see my drivers license? So far they just stare at me and ring up the purchase.